The visualization module contains tools to plot common visualizations, as well as to create custom visualizations that support multiple plotting backends automatically.
Plot classes
Plot classes are workflow classes that implement some specific plotting.
Base class for all plots |
Plots band structure energies, with plentiful of customization options. |
Plots band structure energies showing the contribution of orbitals to each state. |
Plots a geometry structure, with plentiful of customization options. |
Plots sites from an object that can be parsed into a geometry. |
Plots a grid, with plentiful of customization options. |
Plots a wavefunction in real space. |
Plot the projected density of states. |
Plots a (possibly sparse) matrix where rows and columns are either orbitals or atoms. |
Utilities to build custom plots
Get a figure object. |
Combines multiple plots into a single figure. |
Combines multiple plots into a single figure using subplots. |
Combines multiple plots into a single figure using an animation. |
Base figure class that all backends should inherit from. |