
sisl.geom.graphene_flake(shells: int, bond: float = 1.42, atoms: sisl.typing.AtomsLike = None, vacuum: float | tuple[float, float, float] = 20.0) Geometry

Hexagonal flake of graphene, with zig-zag edges.

  • shells (int) – Number of shells in the flake. 0 means a single hexagon, and subsequent shells add hexagon units surrounding the previous shell.

  • bond (float) – bond length between atoms (not lattice constant)

  • atoms (sisl.typing.AtomsLike) – the atom (or atoms) that the honeycomb lattice consists of. Default to Carbon atom.

  • vacuum (float | tuple[float, float, float]) – Amount of vacuum to add to the cell on all directions

Return type:


See also


the equivalent of this, but with non-default atoms.