Released 28 of September 2023.
A total of 4 people contributed to this release. People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
Nick Papior
Nils Wittemeier
Pol Febrer
Thomas Frederiksen
Pull requests merged
A total of 30 pull requests were merged for this release.
#421: Function to build heteroribbons
#476: Refactoring the viz module to a more modular design.
#528: bug: outSile.read_scf was not able to read unconverged SCF loops
#531: enh: Added Nodes and Workflows.
#533: bug: functions could not overwrite node arguments
#534: Add env variable to docs build
#540: bug: fixed swapaxes handling
#542: mnt: changed only= keyword arguments to what=
#544: aniSileSiesta
#546: mnt: added geometry collection with some more features
#547: mnt: nodes context settings are no longer a regular input
#549: Bugfix for rotate(…, atoms=list) + additional tests
#550: changed SuperCell to Lattice, long overdue
#562: Wrap fortran files import in try/except block.
#563: Scikit build core
#566: Make documentation tabs more visual
#573: VASP forces from OUTCAR
#575: cleaned the procedure for locating maxR
#581: undo change of filenames
#585: translate2uc for sparse matrices with associated geometries.
#586: Slicing IO read_* routines
#589: removed Collection + GeometryCollection
#594: Fix missing import in siesta_grid.
#596: netCDF4 is now an optional dependency
#598: maint: Adapt to breaking changes in scipy.sparse.isspmatrix
[0.14.0] - 2023-09-28
added SISL_UNIT_SIESTA to select between legacy or codata2018 units (since Siesta 5) New default is codata2018, may create inconsistencies until Siesta 5 is widely adopted.
added –remove to sgeom for removing single atoms
added a EllipticalCylinder as a new shape
added basis-enthalpy to the stdoutSiestaSile.read_energy routine
added read_trajectory to read cell vectors, atomic positions, and forces from VASP OUTCAR
slicing io files multiple output (still WIP), see #584 for details Intention is to have all methods use this method for returning multiple values, it should streamline the API.
allowed xyz files to read Origin entries in the comment field
- allowed sile specifiers to be more explicit:
“hello.xyz{contains=<name>}” equivalent to “hello.xyz{<name>}”
“hello.xyz{startswith=<name>}” class name should start with <name>
“hello.xyz{endswith=<name>}” class name should end with <name> This is useful for defining a currently working code:
added environment variable
which appends a sile specifier if not explicitly added. I.e.get_sile("hello.xyz")
is equivalent toget_sile("hello.xyz{os.environ["SISL_IO_DEFAULT"]}"
. Fixes #576added a context manager for manipulating the global env-vars in temporary locations.
with sisl_environ(SISL_IO_DEFAULT=...)
enabled Geometry.append|prepend in sgeom command (reads other files)
added fdfSileSiesta.write_brillouinzone to easily write BandLines to the fdf output, see #141
added aniSileSiesta for MD output of Siesta, #544
mdSileOpenMX for MD output of OpenMX
Atoms.formula to get a chemical formula, currently only Hill notation
unified the index argument for reading Grids, read_grid, this influences Siesta and VASP grid reads.
:AndersonMixer enables the popular and very simple linear-like mixer
- StepMixer allows switching between different mixers, for instance this
enabled restart capabilities among other things.
Enabled composite mixers (simple math with mixers)
BrillouinZone.merge allows simple merging of several objects, #537
updated the viz module, #476
allowing ^ negation in order arguments for siles
internal change to comply with scipy changes, use issparse instead of spmatrix, see #598
netCDF4 is now an optional dependency, #595
interface for Sparse*.nonzero(), arguments suffixed with ‘s’
stdoutSileVASP will not accept all= arguments
stdoutSileVASP.read_energy returns as default the next item (no longer the last)
txtSileOrca will not accept all= arguments, see #584
stdoutSileOrca will not accept all= arguments, see #584
xyzSile out from sisl will now default to the extended xyz file-format Explicitly adding the nsc= value makes it compatible with other exyz file formats and parseable by sisl, this is an internal change
default of Geometry.translate2uc, now only periodic axes are default to be moved
all out files have been renamed to stdout to clarify they are user determined output file names, suggestion by @tfrederiksen
bumped Python requirement to >=3.8
orbitals R arguments will now by default determine the minimal radii that contains 99.99% of the function integrand. The argument now accepts values -1:0 which is a fraction of the integrand that the function should contain, a positive value will explicitly set the range #574
Added printout of the removed couplings in the RecursiveSI
SuperCell class is officially deprecated in favor of Lattice, see #95 for details The old class will still be accessible and usable for some time (at least a year)
Enabled EigenState.wavefunction(grid) to accept grid as the initialization of the grid argument, so one does not need to produce the Grid on before-hand
, this is to unify the interfaces across, #541 Also changed the default value to be “xyz” if atoms is Not nonetbtncSileTBtrans(only=)
arguments are changed to (what=) #541SelfEnergy.scattering_matrix is changed to SelfEnergy.broadening_matrix ince the scattering matrix is an S-matrix usage. Also changed se2scat to se2broadening #529
allow BrillouinZone initialization with scalar weights for all k-points #537
Geometry.swapaxes and SuperCell.swapaxes, these are now more versatile by allowing multiple swaps in a single run, #539
deprecated set_sc
internal build-system is changed to scikit-build-core, the
will be deprecated in Python>=3.12 so it was a needed change. This resulted in a directory restructuring.
fixed Mulliken calculations for polarized calculations due to missing copy, #611
fixed single argument ret_isc=True of close, #604 and #605
tiling Grid now only possible for commensurate grids (grid.lattice % grid.geometry.lattice)
rare cases for non-Gamma calculations with actual Gamma matrices resulted in crashes #572
MonkhorstPack.replace now checks for symmetry k-points if the BZ is using trs. Additionally the displacements are moved to the primitive point before comparing, this partly fixed #568
spin-orbit Hamiltonians in RealSpaceSE and RealSpaceSI, fixes #567
ufunc reductions on SparseGeometry where axis arguments reduces dimensionality
interaction with pymatgen
fdfSileSiesta.includes would fail when empty lines were present, #555 fixed and added test
Documentation now uses global references
Geometry.swapaxes would not swap latticevector cartesian coordinates, #539
calculation of scattering matrices