
class sisl.Grid(shape, bc=None, lattice: Lattice | None = None, dtype=None, geometry: Geometry | None = None)

Bases: LatticeChild, _Dispatchs

Real-space grid information with associated geometry.

This grid object handles cell vectors and divisions of said grid.

  • shape (float or (3,) of int) – the shape of the grid. A float specifies the grid spacing in Angstrom, while a list of integers specifies the exact grid size.

  • bc (list of int (3, 2) or (3, ), optional) – the boundary conditions for each of the cell’s planes. Default to periodic BC.

  • lattice (Optional[Lattice]) – the lattice that this grid represents. lattice has precedence if both geometry and lattice has been specified. Defaults to [1, 1, 1].

  • dtype (dtype, optional) – the data-type of the grid, default to numpy.float64.

  • geometry (Optional[Geometry]) – associated geometry with the grid. If lattice has not been passed the lattice will be taken from this geometry.


>>> grid1 = Grid(0.1, lattice=10)
>>> grid2 = Grid(0.1, lattice=Lattice(10))
>>> grid3 = Grid(0.1, lattice=Lattice([10] * 3))
>>> grid1 == grid2
>>> grid1 == grid3
>>> grid = Grid(0.1, lattice=10, dtype=np.complex128)
>>> grid == grid1

It is possible to provide a geometry and a different lattice to make a smaller (or bigger) lattice based on a geometry. This might be useful when creating wavefunctions or expanding densities to grids. Here we create a square grid based on a hexagonal graphene lattice. Expanding wavefunctions from this geometry will automatically convert to the lattice size. >>> lattice = Lattice(10) # square lattice 10x10x10 Ang >>> geometry = geom.graphene() >>> grid = Grid(0.1, lattice=lattice, geometry=geometry)


append(other, axis)

Appends other Grid to this grid along axis

apply(function_, *args, **kwargs)

Applies a function to the grid and returns a new grid

area(ax0, ax1)

Calculate the area spanned by the two axis ax0 and ax1

average(axis[, weights])

Average grid values along direction axis.


Copy the object, possibly changing the data-type

cross_section(idx, axis)

Takes a cross-section of the grid along axis axis


Fill the grid with this value

index(coord[, axis])

Find the grid index for a given coordinate (possibly only along a given lattice vector axis)


Real-space coordinates of indices related to the grid

index_fold(index[, unique])

Converts indices from any placement to only exist in the "primary" grid


Remove indices from outside the grid to only retain indices in the "primary" grid

interp(shape[, order, mode])

Interpolate grid values to a new resolution (retaining lattice vectors)

isosurface(level[, step_size])

Calculates the isosurface for a given value

mean(axis[, weights])

Average grid values along direction axis.


Return a list of indices corresponding to the slices

pyamg_boundary_condition(A, b)

Attach boundary conditions to the pyamg grid-matrix A with default boundary conditions as specified for this Grid

pyamg_fix(A, b, pyamg_indices, value)

Fix values for the stencil to value.


Calculate pyamg matrix indices from a list of grid indices

pyamg_source(b, pyamg_indices, value)

Fix the source term to value.

read(sile, *args, **kwargs)

Reads grid from the Sile using read_grid

remove(idx, axis)

Removes certain indices from a specified axis.

remove_part(idx, axis, above)

Removes parts of the grid via above/below designations.

sc_index(*args, **kwargs)

Call local Lattice.sc_index function




set_geometry(geometry[, also_lattice])

Sets the Geometry for the grid.

set_grid(shape[, dtype])

Create the internal grid of certain size.


Overwrites the local lattice.

set_nsc(*args, **kwargs)

Set the number of super-cells in the Lattice object


Overwrites the local lattice.

smooth([r, method, mode])

Make a smoother grid by applying a filter

sub(idx, axis)

Retains certain indices from a specified axis.

sub_part(idx, axis, above)

Retains parts of the grid via above/below designations.


Sum grid values along axis axis.

swapaxes(axis1, axis2)

Swap two axes in the grid (also swaps axes in the lattice)

tile(reps, axis)

Tile grid to create a bigger one


Create a pyamg stencil matrix to be used in pyamg

write(sile, *args, **kwargs)

Writes grid to the sile using sile.write_grid







Returns the inherent Lattice.cell


Voxel cell size


The data-type of the grid (in str)


Data-type used in grid


Volume of the grid voxel elements


Returns the inherent Lattice.icell


Returns the inherent Lattice.isc_off


Returns the inherent Lattice.length


Returns the inherent Lattice.n_s



Returns the inherent Lattice.nsc


Returns the inherent Lattice.origin



Handles all plotting possibilities for a class


Returns the inherent Lattice.rcell


[deprecated] Return the lattice object associated with the Lattice.


Returns the inherent Lattice.sc_off


Grid shape along the lattice vectors


Total number of elements in the grid


A dispatcher for classes, using __get__ it converts into ObjectDispatcher upon invocation from an object, or a TypeDispatcher when invoked from a class


Returns the inherent Lattice.volume

OPEN = 5
__init__(shape, bc=None, lattice: Lattice | None = None, dtype=None, geometry: Geometry | None = None)[source]
append(other: sisl.typing.GridLike, axis: sisl.typing.CellAxis) Grid

Appends other Grid to this grid along axis

  • grid (Grid)

  • other (sisl.typing.GridLike)

  • axis (sisl.typing.CellAxis)

Return type:


apply(function_, *args, **kwargs)

Applies a function to the grid and returns a new grid

You can also apply a function that does not return a grid (maybe you want to do some measurement). In that case, you will get the result instead of a Grid.

  • function (str or function) – for a string the full module path to the function should be given. The function that will be called should have the grid as the first argument in its interface.

  • **kwargs (*args and) –

    arguments that go directly to the function call

  • grid (Grid)


The function argument name function_ is named so that function can be an eligible keyword argument for the function.

area(ax0, ax1) float

Calculate the area spanned by the two axis ax0 and ax1

Return type:


average(axis, weights=None)[source]

Average grid values along direction axis.

  • axis (int) – unit-cell direction to average across

  • weights (array_like, optional) – the weights for the individual axis elements, if boolean it corresponds to 0 and 1 for false/true.

See also


for details regarding the weights argument

property boundary_condition: ndarray
property cell: ndarray

Returns the inherent Lattice.cell

copy(dtype=None) Grid

Copy the object, possibly changing the data-type


grid (Grid)

Return type:


cross_section(idx, axis)[source]

Takes a cross-section of the grid along axis axis

Remark: This API entry might change to handle arbitrary cuts via rotation of the axis

property dcell

Voxel cell size

property dkind

The data-type of the grid (in str)

property dtype

Data-type used in grid

property dvolume

Volume of the grid voxel elements


Fill the grid with this value


val (dtype) – all grid-points will have this value after execution

property icell: ndarray

Returns the inherent Lattice.icell

index(coord, axis=None)[source]

Find the grid index for a given coordinate (possibly only along a given lattice vector axis)

  • coord ((:, 3) or float or Shape) – the coordinate of the axis. If a float is passed axis is also required in which case it corresponds to the length along the lattice vector corresponding to axis. If a Shape a list of coordinates that fits the voxel positions are returned (all internal points also).

  • axis (int, optional) – the axis direction of the index, or for all axes if none.


Real-space coordinates of indices related to the grid


index (array_like) – indices for grid-positions


coordinates of the indices with respect to this grid spacing

Return type:


index_fold(index, unique=True)[source]

Converts indices from any placement to only exist in the “primary” grid


>>> grid = Grid([10, 10, 10])
>>> assert np.all(grid.index_fold([-1, -1, -1]) == 9)
  • index (array_like) – indices for grid-positions

  • unique (bool, optional) – if true the returned indices are made unique after having folded the index points


all indices are then within the shape of the grid

Return type:


See also


truncate indices by removing indices outside the primary cell


Remove indices from outside the grid to only retain indices in the “primary” grid


>>> grid = Grid([10, 10, 10])
>>> assert len(grid.index_truncate([-1, -1, -1])) == 0

index (array_like) – indices for grid-positions


all indices are then within the shape of the grid (others have been removed

Return type:


See also


fold indices into the primary cell

interp(shape, order=1, mode='wrap', **kwargs)[source]

Interpolate grid values to a new resolution (retaining lattice vectors)

It uses the scipy.ndimage.zoom, which creates a finer or more spaced grid using spline interpolation. The lattice vectors remains unchanged.

  • shape (int, array_like of len 3) – the new shape of the grid.

  • order (int 0-5, optional) – the order of the spline interpolation. 1 means linear, 2 quadratic, etc…

  • mode ({'wrap', 'mirror', 'constant', 'reflect', 'nearest'}) – determines how to compute the borders of the grid. The default is 'wrap', which accounts for periodic conditions.

  • **kwargs – optional arguments passed to the interpolation algorithm The interpolation routine is scipy.ndimage.zoom

See also


method used for interpolation

property isc_off: ndarray

Returns the inherent Lattice.isc_off

isosurface(level: float, step_size: int = 1, **kwargs)[source]

Calculates the isosurface for a given value

It uses skimage.measure.marching_cubes, so you need to have scikit-image installed.

  • level (float) – contour value to search for isosurfaces in the grid. If not given or None, the average of the min and max of the grid is used.

  • step_size (int) – step size in voxels. Larger steps yield faster but coarser results. The result will always be topologically correct though.

  • **kwargs – optional arguments passed directly to skimage.measure.marching_cubes for the calculation of isosurfaces.


  • numpy array of shape (V, 3) – Verts. Spatial coordinates for V unique mesh vertices.

  • numpy array of shape (n_faces, 3) – Faces. Define triangular faces via referencing vertex indices from verts. This algorithm specifically outputs triangles, so each face has exactly three indices.

  • numpy array of shape (V, 3) – Normals. The normal direction at each vertex, as calculated from the data.

  • numpy array of shape (V, 3) – Values. Gives a measure for the maximum value of the data in the local region near each vertex. This can be used by visualization tools to apply a colormap to the mesh.

See also


method used to calculate the isosurface.

property length: float

Returns the inherent Lattice.length

mean(axis, weights=None)

Average grid values along direction axis.

  • axis (int) – unit-cell direction to average across

  • weights (array_like, optional) – the weights for the individual axis elements, if boolean it corresponds to 0 and 1 for false/true.

See also


for details regarding the weights argument

classmethod mgrid(*slices)[source]

Return a list of indices corresponding to the slices

The returned values are equivalent to numpy.mgrid but they are returned in a (:, 3) array.


*slices (slice or list of int or int) – return a linear list of indices that points to the collective slice made by the passed arguments


linear indices for each of the sliced values, shape (*, 3)

Return type:


property n_s: int

Returns the inherent Lattice.n_s

new = <TypeDispatcher{obj=<class 'sisl.Grid'>}>
property nsc: ndarray

Returns the inherent Lattice.nsc

property origin: ndarray

Returns the inherent Lattice.origin

property pbc: ndarray

Handles all plotting possibilities for a class

pyamg_boundary_condition(A, b)[source]

Attach boundary conditions to the pyamg grid-matrix A with default boundary conditions as specified for this Grid

  • A (csr_matrix) – sparse matrix describing the grid

  • b (ndarray) – a vector containing RHS of \(\mathbf A \mathbf x = \mathbf b\) for the solution of the grid stencil

pyamg_fix(A, b, pyamg_indices, value)[source]

Fix values for the stencil to value.

  • A (csr_matrix/csc_matrix) – sparse matrix describing the LHS for the linear system of equations

  • b (ndarray) – a vector containing RHS of \(\mathbf A \mathbf x = \mathbf b\) for the solution of the grid stencil

  • pyamg_indices (list of int) – the linear pyamg matrix indices where the value of the grid is fixed. I.e. the indices should correspond to returned quantities from pyamg_indices.

  • value (float) – the value of the grid to fix the value at


Calculate pyamg matrix indices from a list of grid indices


index ((:, 3) of int) – a list of indices of the grid along each grid axis


linear indices for the matrix

Return type:


See also


query indices from coordinates (directly passable to this method)


Grid equivalent to numpy.mgrid. Grid.mgrid returns indices in shapes (:, 3), contrary to numpy’s numpy.mgrid


ValueError – if any of the passed indices are below 0 or above the number of elements per axis

classmethod pyamg_source(b, pyamg_indices, value)[source]

Fix the source term to value.

  • b (ndarray) – a vector containing RHS of \(\mathbf A \mathbf x = \mathbf b\) for the solution of the grid stencil

  • pyamg_indices (list of int) – the linear pyamg matrix indices where the value of the grid is fixed. I.e. the indices should correspond to returned quantities from pyamg_indices.

property rcell: ndarray

Returns the inherent Lattice.rcell

static read(sile, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Reads grid from the Sile using read_grid

  • sile (Sile, str or Path) – a Sile object which will be used to read the grid if it is a string it will create a new sile using get_sile.

  • * (args passed directly to read_grid(,**))

remove(idx: int | Sequence[int], axis: sisl.typing.CellAxis) Grid

Removes certain indices from a specified axis.

Works exactly opposite to sub.

  • idx (int | Sequence[int]) – the indices of the grid axis axis to be removed

  • axis (sisl.typing.CellAxis) – the axis segment from which we remove all indices idx

  • grid (Grid)

Return type:


remove_part(idx, axis, above)[source]

Removes parts of the grid via above/below designations.

Works exactly opposite to sub_part

  • idx (int) – the index of the grid axis axis to be removed for above=True grid[:idx,…] for above=False grid[idx:,…]

  • axis (int) – the axis segment from which we retain the indices idx

  • above (bool) –

    if True will retain the grid:


    else it will retain the grid:


property sc

[deprecated] Return the lattice object associated with the Lattice.

sc_index(*args, **kwargs) int | Sequence[int]

Call local Lattice.sc_index function

Return type:

int | Sequence[int]

property sc_off: ndarray

Returns the inherent Lattice.sc_off

set_geometry(geometry, also_lattice: bool = True)[source]

Sets the Geometry for the grid.

Setting the Geometry for the grid is a possibility to attach atoms to the grid.

It is not a necessary entity, so passing None is a viable option.

  • geometry (Geometry or None) – specify the new geometry in the Grid. If None will remove the geometry (but not the lattice)

  • also_lattice (bool, optional) – whether to also set the lattice for the grid according to the lattice of the geometry, if False it will keep the lattice as it was.

set_grid(shape, dtype=None)[source]

Create the internal grid of certain size.

set_lattice(lattice: sisl.typing.LatticeLike)

Overwrites the local lattice.


lattice (sisl.typing.LatticeLike)

set_nsc(*args, **kwargs)

Set the number of super-cells in the Lattice object

See set_nsc for allowed parameters.

See also


the underlying called method

set_supercell(lattice: sisl.typing.LatticeLike)

Overwrites the local lattice.


lattice (sisl.typing.LatticeLike)

property shape

Grid shape along the lattice vectors

property size

Total number of elements in the grid

smooth(r=0.7, method='gaussian', mode='wrap', **kwargs)[source]

Make a smoother grid by applying a filter

  • r (float or array-like of len 3, optional) –

    the radius of the filter in Angstrom for each axis. If the method is "gaussian", this is the standard deviation!

    If a single float is provided, then the same distance will be used for all axes.

  • method ({'gaussian', 'uniform'}) – the type of filter to apply to smoothen the grid.

  • mode ({'wrap', 'mirror', 'constant', 'reflect', 'nearest'}) – determines how to compute the borders of the grid. The default is wrap, which accounts for periodic conditions.

sub(idx: int | Sequence[int], axis: sisl.typing.CellAxis) Grid

Retains certain indices from a specified axis.

Works exactly opposite to remove.

  • idx (int | Sequence[int]) – the indices of the grid axis axis to be retained

  • axis (sisl.typing.CellAxis) – the axis segment from which we retain the indices idx

  • grid (Grid)

Return type:


sub_part(idx, axis, above)[source]

Retains parts of the grid via above/below designations.

Works exactly opposite to remove_part

  • idx (int) – the index of the grid axis axis to be retained for above=True grid[idx:,…] for above=False grid[:idx,…]

  • axis (int) – the axis segment from which we retain the indices idx

  • above (bool) –

    if True will retain the grid:


    else it will retain the grid:



Sum grid values along axis axis.


axis (int) – unit-cell direction to sum across

swapaxes(axis1: sisl.typing.CellAxis, axis2: sisl.typing.CellAxis) Grid

Swap two axes in the grid (also swaps axes in the lattice)

If swapaxes(0, 1) it returns the 0 in the 1 values.

  • axis1 (sisl.typing.CellAxis) – axes indices to be swapped

  • axis2 (sisl.typing.CellAxis) – axes indices to be swapped

  • grid (Grid)

Return type:


tile(reps: int, axis: sisl.typing.CellAxis) Grid

Tile grid to create a bigger one

The atomic indices for the base Geometry will be retained.

  • reps (int) – number of tiles (repetitions)

  • axis (sisl.typing.CellAxis) – direction of tiling, 0, 1, 2 according to the cell-direction

  • grid (Grid)

Return type:


:raises SislError : when the lattice is not commensurate with the geometry:

See also


equivalent method for Geometry class


A dispatcher for classes, using __get__ it converts into ObjectDispatcher upon invocation from an object, or a TypeDispatcher when invoked from a class

This is a class-placeholder allowing a dispatcher to be a class attribute and converted into an ObjectDispatcher when invoked from an object.

If it is called on the class, it will return a TypeDispatcher.

This class should be an attribute of a class. It heavily relies on the __get__ special method.

  • name (str) – name of the attribute in the class

  • dispatchs (dict, optional) – dictionary of dispatch methods

  • obj_getattr (callable, optional) – method with 2 arguments, an obj and the attr which may be used to control how the attribute is called.

  • instance_dispatcher (AbstractDispatcher, optional) – control how instance dispatchers are handled through __get__ method. This controls the dispatcher used if called from an instance.

  • type_dispatcher (AbstractDispatcher, optional) – control how class dispatchers are handled through __get__ method. This controls the dispatcher used if called from a class.


>>> class A:
...   new = ClassDispatcher("new", obj_getattr=lambda obj, attr: getattr(obj.sub, attr))

The above defers any attributes to the contained A.sub attribute.


Create a pyamg stencil matrix to be used in pyamg

This allows retrieving the grid matrix equivalent of the real-space grid. Subsequently the returned matrix may be used in pyamg for solutions etc.

The pyamg suite is it-self a rather complicated code with many options. For details we refer to pyamg.


dtype (dtype, optional) – data-type used for the sparse matrix, default to use the grid data-type


  • scipy.sparse.csr_matrix – the stencil for the pyamg solver

  • numpy.ndarray – RHS of the linear system of equations


This example proves the best method for a variety of cases in regards of the 3D Poisson problem:

>>> grid = Grid(0.01)
>>> A, b = grid.topyamg() # automatically setups the current boundary conditions
>>> # add terms etc. to A and/or b
>>> import pyamg
>>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import cg
>>> ml = pyamg.aggregation.smoothed_aggregation_solver(A, max_levels=1000)
>>> M = ml.aspreconditioner(cycle='W') # pre-conditioner
>>> x, info = cg(A, b, tol=1e-12, M=M)

See also


convert grid indices into the sparse matrix indices for A


fixes stencil for indices and fixes the source for the RHS matrix (uses pyamg_source)


fix the RHS matrix b to a constant value


setup the sparse matrix A to given boundary conditions (called in this routine)

property volume: float

Returns the inherent Lattice.volume

write(sile: sisl.typing.SileLike, *args, **kwargs) None

Writes grid to the sile using sile.write_grid

  • sile (sisl.typing.SileLike) – a Sile object which will be used to write the grid if it is a string it will create a new sile using get_sile

  • *args – Any other args will be passed directly to the underlying routine

  • **kwargs – Any other args will be passed directly to the underlying routine

  • grid (Grid)

Return type:


See also

reads a Grid from a given Sile/file