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""" Define a lattice with cell-parameters and supercells
This class is the basis of many different objects.
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import math
from collections.abc import Sequence
from enum import IntEnum, auto
from numbers import Integral
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from numpy import dot, ndarray
import sisl._array as _a
from sisl._dispatch_class import _Dispatchs
from sisl._dispatcher import AbstractDispatch, ClassDispatcher, TypeDispatcher
from sisl._internal import set_module
from sisl._math_small import cross3, dot3
from sisl.messages import SislError, deprecate, deprecate_argument, deprecation, warn
from sisl.shape.prism4 import Cuboid
from sisl.typing import CellAxes, CellAxis, LatticeLike
from sisl.utils.mathematics import fnorm
from sisl.utils.misc import direction, listify
from ._lattice import cell_invert, cell_reciprocal
__all__ = ["Lattice", "SuperCell", "LatticeChild", "BoundaryCondition"]
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BoundaryCondition(IntEnum):
"""Enum for boundary conditions"""
UNKNOWN = auto()
PERIODIC = auto()
DIRICHLET = auto()
NEUMANN = auto()
OPEN = auto()
def getitem(cls, key):
"""Search for a specific integer entry by value, and not by name"""
if isinstance(key, cls):
return key
if isinstance(key, bool):
if key:
return cls.PERIODIC
raise ValueError(
f"{cls.__name__}.getitem does not allow False, which BC should this refer to?"
if isinstance(key, str):
key = key.upper()
if len(key) == 1:
key = {
"O": "OPEN",
for bc in cls:
if bc.name.startswith(key):
return bc
for bc in cls:
if bc == key:
return bc
raise KeyError(f"{cls.__name__}.getitem could not find key={key}")
BoundaryConditionType = Union[BoundaryCondition, int, str, bool]
SeqBoundaryConditionType = Union[BoundaryConditionType, Sequence[BoundaryConditionType]]
class Lattice(
ClassDispatcher("new", instance_dispatcher=TypeDispatcher),
ClassDispatcher("to", type_dispatcher=None),
r"""A cell class to retain lattice vectors and a supercell structure
The supercell structure is comprising the *primary* unit-cell and neighboring
unit-cells. The number of supercells is given by the attribute `nsc` which
is a vector with 3 elements, one per lattice vector. It describes *how many*
times the primary unit-cell is extended along the i'th lattice vector.
For ``nsc[i] == 3`` the supercell is made up of 3 unit-cells. One *behind*, the
primary unit-cell and one *after*.
cell :
the lattice parameters of the unit cell (the actual cell
is returned from `tocell`.
nsc :
number of supercells along each lattice vector
origin : (3,) of float, optional
the origin of the supercell.
boundary_condition :
the boundary conditions for each of the cell's planes. Defaults to periodic boundary condition.
See `BoundaryCondition` for valid enumerations.
# We limit the scope of this Lattice object.
__slots__ = ("cell", "_origin", "nsc", "n_s", "_sc_off", "_isc_off", "_bc")
#: Internal reference to `BoundaryCondition` for simpler short-hands
BC = BoundaryCondition
def __init__(
cell: CellLike,
nsc: npt.ArrayLike = None,
boundary_condition: SeqBoundaryConditionType = BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC,
if nsc is None:
nsc = [1, 1, 1]
# If the length of cell is 6 it must be cell-parameters, not
# actual cell coordinates
self.cell = self.tocell(cell)
if np.any(self.length < 1e-7):
f"{self.__class__.__name__} got initialized with one or more "
"lattice vector(s) with 0 length. Use with care."
if origin is None:
self._origin = _a.zerosd(3)
self._origin = _a.arrayd(origin)
if self._origin.size != 3:
raise ValueError("Origin *must* be 3 numbers.")
self.nsc = _a.onesi(3)
# Set the super-cell
def length(self) -> ndarray:
"""Length of each lattice vector"""
return fnorm(self.cell)
def lengthf(self, axes: CellAxes = (0, 1, 2)) -> ndarray:
"""Length of specific lattice vectors (as a function)
only calculate the volume based on a subset of axes
Only get lengths of two lattice vectors:
>>> lat = Lattice(1)
>>> lat.lengthf([0, 1])
axes = map(direction, listify(axes)) | listify
return fnorm(self.cell[axes])
def volume(self) -> float:
"""Volume of cell"""
return self.volumef((0, 1, 2))
def volumef(self, axes: CellAxes = (0, 1, 2)) -> float:
"""Volume of cell (as a function)
Default to the 3D volume.
For `axes` with only 2 elements, it corresponds to an area.
For `axes` with only 1 element, it corresponds to a length.
only calculate the volume based on a subset of axes
Only get the volume of the periodic directions:
>>> lat = Lattice(1)
>>> lat.pbc = (True, False, True)
>>> lat.volumef(lat.pbc.nonzero()[0])
axes = map(direction, listify(axes)) | listify
cell = self.cell
if len(axes) == 3:
return abs(dot3(cell[axes[0]], cross3(cell[axes[1]], cell[axes[2]])))
if len(axes) == 2:
return fnorm(cross3(cell[axes[0]], cell[axes[1]]))
if len(axes) == 1:
return fnorm(cell[axes])
return 0.0
def area(self, axis1: CellAxis, axis2: CellAxis) -> float:
"""Calculate the area spanned by the two axis `ax0` and `ax1`"""
axis1 = direction(axis1)
axis2 = direction(axis2)
return fnorm(cross3(self.cell[axis1], self.cell[axis2]))
def boundary_condition(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Boundary conditions for each lattice vector (lower/upper) sides ``(3, 2)``"""
return self._bc
def boundary_condition(self, boundary_condition):
"""Boundary conditions for each lattice vector (lower/upper) sides ``(3, 2)``"""
def pbc(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Boolean array to specify whether the boundary conditions are periodic`"""
# set_boundary_condition does not allow to have PERIODIC and non-PERIODIC
# along the same lattice vector. So checking one should suffice
return self._bc[:, 0] == BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC
def pbc(self, pbc) -> None:
"""Boolean array to specify whether the boundary conditions are periodic`"""
# set_boundary_condition does not allow to have PERIODIC and non-PERIODIC
# along the same lattice vector. So checking one should suffice
assert len(pbc) == 3
PERIODIC = BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC
for axis, bc in enumerate(pbc):
# Simply skip those that are not T|F
if not isinstance(bc, bool):
if bc:
self._bc[axis] = PERIODIC
elif self._bc[axis, 0] == PERIODIC:
self._bc[axis] = BoundaryCondition.UNKNOWN
def origin(self) -> ndarray:
"""Origin for the cell"""
return self._origin
def origin(self, origin):
"""Set origin for the cell"""
self._origin[:] = origin
"toCuboid is deprecated, please use lattice.to['cuboid'](...) instead.",
def toCuboid(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""A cuboid with vectors as this unit-cell and center with respect to its origin
orthogonal : bool, optional
if true the cuboid has orthogonal sides such that the entire cell is contained
return self.to[Cuboid](*args, **kwargs)
def set_boundary_condition(
boundary: Optional[SeqBoundaryConditionType] = None,
a: Optional[SeqBoundaryConditionType] = None,
b: Optional[SeqBoundaryConditionType] = None,
c: Optional[SeqBoundaryConditionType] = None,
"""Set the boundary conditions on the grid
boundary : (3, 2) or (3, ) or int, optional
boundary condition for all boundaries (or the same for all)
a : int or list of int, optional
boundary condition for the first unit-cell vector direction
b : int or list of int, optional
boundary condition for the second unit-cell vector direction
c : int or list of int, optional
boundary condition for the third unit-cell vector direction
if specifying periodic one one boundary, so must the opposite side.
getitem = BoundaryCondition.getitem
def conv(v):
if v is None:
return v
if isinstance(v, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
return list(map(getitem, v))
return getitem(v)
if not hasattr(self, "_bc"):
self._bc = _a.fulli([3, 2], getitem("Unknown"))
old = self._bc.copy()
if not boundary is None:
if isinstance(boundary, (Integral, str, bool)):
self._bc[:, :] = conv(boundary)
except KeyError:
for d, bc in enumerate(boundary):
bc = conv(bc)
if bc is not None:
self._bc[d] = conv(bc)
for d, bc in enumerate(boundary):
bc = conv(bc)
if bc is not None:
self._bc[d] = bc
for d, v in enumerate([a, b, c]):
v = conv(v)
if v is not None:
self._bc[d] = v
# shorthand for bc
for nsc, bc, changed in zip(
self.nsc, self._bc == BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC, self._bc != old
if bc.any() and not bc.all():
raise ValueError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.set_boundary_condition has a one non-periodic and "
"one periodic direction. If one direction is periodic, both instances "
"must have that BC."
if changed.any() and (~bc).all() and nsc > 1:
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.set_boundary_condition is having image connections (nsc={nsc}>1) "
"while having a non-periodic boundary condition."
def parameters(
self, rad: bool = False
) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]:
r"""Cell parameters of this cell in 3 lengths and 3 angles
Since we return the length and angles between vectors it may not be possible to
recreate the same cell. Only in the case where the first lattice vector *only*
has a Cartesian :math:`x` component will this be the case.
rad : bool, optional
whether the angles are returned in radians (otherwise in degree)
length : numpy.ndarray
length of each lattice vector
angles : numpy.ndarray
angles between the lattice vectors (in Voigt notation)
``[0]`` is between 2nd and 3rd lattice vector, etc.
if rad:
f = 1.0
f = 180 / np.pi
# Calculate length of each lattice vector
cell = self.cell.copy()
abc = fnorm(cell)
cell = cell / abc.reshape(-1, 1)
angles = np.empty(3)
angles[0] = math.acos(dot3(cell[1], cell[2])) * f
angles[1] = math.acos(dot3(cell[0], cell[2])) * f
angles[2] = math.acos(dot3(cell[0], cell[1])) * f
return abc, angles
def _fill(self, non_filled, dtype=None):
"""Return a zero filled array of length 3"""
if len(non_filled) == 3:
return non_filled
# Fill in zeros
# This will purposefully raise an exception
# if the dimensions of the periodic one
# are not consistent.
if dtype is None:
dtype = non_filled.dtype
except Exception:
dtype = np.dtype(non_filled[0].__class__)
if dtype == np.dtype(int):
# Never go higher than int32 for default
# guesses on integer lists.
dtype = np.int32
f = np.zeros(3, dtype)
i = 0
if self.nsc[0] > 1:
f[0] = non_filled[i]
i += 1
if self.nsc[1] > 1:
f[1] = non_filled[i]
i += 1
if self.nsc[2] > 1:
f[2] = non_filled[i]
return f
def _fill_sc(self, supercell_index):
"""Return a filled supercell index by filling in zeros where needed"""
return self._fill(supercell_index, dtype=np.int32)
def set_nsc(
a: Optional[int] = None,
b: Optional[int] = None,
c: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
"""Sets the number of supercells in the 3 different cell directions
nsc : list of int, optional
number of supercells in each direction
a : int, optional
number of supercells in the first unit-cell vector direction
b : int, optional
number of supercells in the second unit-cell vector direction
c : int, optional
number of supercells in the third unit-cell vector direction
if not nsc is None:
for i in range(3):
if not nsc[i] is None:
self.nsc[i] = nsc[i]
if a:
self.nsc[0] = a
if b:
self.nsc[1] = b
if c:
self.nsc[2] = c
# Correct for misplaced number of unit-cells
for i in range(3):
if self.nsc[i] == 0:
self.nsc[i] = 1
if np.sum(self.nsc % 2) != 3:
raise ValueError(
"Supercells has to be of un-even size. The primary cell counts "
+ "one, all others count 2"
# We might use this very often, hence we store it
self.n_s = _a.prodi(self.nsc)
self._sc_off = _a.zerosi([self.n_s, 3])
self._isc_off = _a.zerosi(self.nsc)
n = self.nsc
# We define the following ones like this:
def ret_range(val):
i = val // 2
return range(-i, i + 1)
x = ret_range(n[0])
y = ret_range(n[1])
z = ret_range(n[2])
i = 0
for iz in z:
for iy in y:
for ix in x:
if ix == 0 and iy == 0 and iz == 0:
# Increment index
i += 1
# The offsets for the supercells in the
# sparsity pattern
self._sc_off[i, 0] = ix
self._sc_off[i, 1] = iy
self._sc_off[i, 2] = iz
def _update_isc_off(self):
"""Internal routine for updating the supercell indices"""
for i in range(self.n_s):
d = self.sc_off[i]
self._isc_off[d[0], d[1], d[2]] = i
def sc_off(self) -> ndarray:
"""Integer supercell offsets"""
return self._sc_off
def sc_off(self, sc_off):
"""Set the supercell offset"""
self._sc_off[:, :] = _a.arrayi(sc_off, order="C")
def isc_off(self) -> ndarray:
"""Internal indexed supercell ``[ia, ib, ic] == i``"""
return self._isc_off
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate the supercells and the indices of the supercells"""
yield from enumerate(self.sc_off)
"argument axis has been deprecated in favor of axes, please update your code.",
"argument tol has been deprecated in favor of atol, please update your code.",
def fit(self, xyz, axes: CellAxes = (0, 1, 2), atol: float = 0.05) -> Lattice:
"""Fit the supercell to `xyz` such that the unit-cell becomes periodic in the specified directions
The fitted supercell tries to determine the unit-cell parameters by solving a set of linear equations
corresponding to the current supercell vectors.
>>> numpy.linalg.solve(self.cell.T, xyz.T)
It is important to know that this routine will *only* work if at least some of the atoms are
integer offsets of the lattice vectors. I.e. the resulting fit will depend on the translation
of the coordinates.
xyz : array_like ``shape(*, 3)``
the coordinates that we will wish to encompass and analyze.
axes :
only the cell-vectors along the provided axes will be used
atol :
tolerance (in Angstrom) of the positions. I.e. we neglect coordinates
which are not within the radius of this magnitude
RuntimeError :
when the cell-parameters does not fit within the given tolerance (`atol`).
# In case the passed coordinates are from a Geometry
from .geometry import Geometry
if isinstance(xyz, Geometry):
xyz = xyz.xyz
cell = np.copy(self.cell)
# Get fractional coordinates to get the divisions in the current cell
x = dot(xyz, self.icell.T)
# Now we should figure out the correct repetitions
# by rounding to integer positions of the cell vectors
ix = np.rint(x)
# Figure out the displacements from integers
# Then reduce search space by removing those coordinates
# that are more than the tolerance.
dist = np.sqrt((dot(cell.T, (x - ix).T) ** 2).sum(0))
idx = (dist <= atol).nonzero()[0]
if len(idx) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"Could not fit the cell parameters to the coordinates "
"due to insufficient accuracy (try to increase the tolerance)"
# Reduce problem to allowed values below the tolerance
ix = ix[idx]
# Reduce to total repetitions
ireps = np.amax(ix, axis=0) - np.amin(ix, axis=0) + 1
# Reduce the non-set axis
if not axes is None:
axes = map(direction, listify(axes))
for ax in (0, 1, 2):
if ax not in axes:
ireps[ax] = 1
# Enlarge the cell vectors
cell[0] *= ireps[0]
cell[1] *= ireps[1]
cell[2] *= ireps[2]
return self.copy(cell)
def plane(
self, axis1: CellAxis, axis2: CellAxis, origin: bool = True
) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray]:
"""Query point and plane-normal for the plane spanning `ax1` and `ax2`
axis1 :
the first axis vector
axis2 :
the second axis vector
origin : bool, optional
whether the plane intersects the origin or the opposite corner of the
normal_V : numpy.ndarray
planes normal vector (pointing outwards with regards to the cell)
p : numpy.ndarray
a point on the plane
All 6 faces of the supercell can be retrieved like this:
>>> lattice = Lattice(4)
>>> n1, p1 = lattice.plane(0, 1, True)
>>> n2, p2 = lattice.plane(0, 1, False)
>>> n3, p3 = lattice.plane(0, 2, True)
>>> n4, p4 = lattice.plane(0, 2, False)
>>> n5, p5 = lattice.plane(1, 2, True)
>>> n6, p6 = lattice.plane(1, 2, False)
However, for performance critical calculations it may be advantageous to
do this:
>>> lattice = Lattice(4)
>>> uc = lattice.cell.sum(0)
>>> n1, p1 = lattice.plane(0, 1)
>>> n2 = -n1
>>> p2 = p1 + uc
>>> n3, p3 = lattice.plane(0, 2)
>>> n4 = -n3
>>> p4 = p3 + uc
>>> n5, p5 = lattice.plane(1, 2)
>>> n6 = -n5
>>> p6 = p5 + uc
Secondly, the variables ``p1``, ``p3`` and ``p5`` are always ``[0, 0, 0]`` and
``p2``, ``p4`` and ``p6`` are always ``uc``.
Hence this may be used to further reduce certain computations.
axis1 = direction(axis1)
axis2 = direction(axis2)
cell = self.cell
n = cross3(cell[axis1], cell[axis2])
# Normalize
n /= dot3(n, n) ** 0.5
# Now we need to figure out if the normal vector
# is pointing outwards
# Take the cell center
up = cell.sum(0)
# Calculate the distance from the plane to the center of the cell
# If d is positive then the normal vector is pointing towards
# the center, so rotate 180
if dot3(n, up / 2) > 0.0:
n *= -1
if origin:
return n, _a.zerosd([3])
# We have to reverse the normal vector
return -n, up
def __mul__(self, m) -> Lattice:
"""Implement easy repeat function
m : int or array_like of length 3
a single integer may be regarded as [m, m, m].
A list will expand the unit-cell along the equivalent lattice vector.
enlarged supercell
# Simple form
if isinstance(m, Integral):
return self.tile(m, 0).tile(m, 1).tile(m, 2)
lattice = self.copy()
for i, r in enumerate(m):
lattice = lattice.tile(r, i)
return lattice
def icell(self) -> ndarray:
"""Returns the reciprocal (inverse) cell for the `Lattice`.
Note: The returned vectors are still in ``[0, :]`` format
and not as returned by an inverse LAPACK algorithm.
return cell_invert(self.cell)
def rcell(self) -> ndarray:
"""Returns the reciprocal cell for the `Lattice` with ``2*np.pi``
Note: The returned vectors are still in [0, :] format
and not as returned by an inverse LAPACK algorithm.
return cell_reciprocal(self.cell)
def cell2length(self, length, axes: CellAxes = (0, 1, 2)) -> ndarray:
"""Calculate cell vectors such that they each have length `length`
length : float or array_like
length for cell vectors, if an array it corresponds to the individual
vectors and it must have length equal to `axes`
axes :
which axes the `length` variable refers too.
cell-vectors with prescribed length, same order as `axes`
axes = map(direction, listify(axes)) | listify
length = _a.asarray(length).ravel()
if len(length) != len(axes):
if len(length) == 1:
length = np.tile(length, len(axes))
raise ValueError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.cell2length length parameter should be a single "
"float, or an array of values according to axes argument."
return self.cell[axes] * (length / self.length[axes]).reshape(-1, 1)
def offset(self, isc=None) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Returns the supercell offset of the supercell index"""
if isc is None:
return _a.arrayd([0, 0, 0])
return dot(isc, self.cell)
def __add__(self, other) -> Lattice:
return self.add(other)
__radd__ = __add__
def add_vacuum(
self, vacuum: float, axis: CellAxis, orthogonal_to_plane: bool = False
) -> Lattice:
"""Returns a new object with vacuum along the `axis` lattice vector
vacuum : float
amount of vacuum added, in Ang
axis :
the lattice vector to add vacuum along
orthogonal_to_plane : bool, optional
whether the lattice vector should be elongated so that it is `vacuum` longer
when projected onto the normal vector of the other two axis.
axis = direction(axis)
cell = np.copy(self.cell)
d = cell[axis].copy()
d /= fnorm(d)
if orthogonal_to_plane:
# first calculate the normal vector of the other plane
n = cross3(cell[axis - 1], cell[axis - 2])
n /= fnorm(n)
# now project onto cell
projection = n @ d
# calculate how long it should be so that the normal vector
# is `vacuum` longer
scale = vacuum / abs(projection)
scale = vacuum
# normalize to get direction vector
cell[axis] += d * scale
return self.copy(cell)
def sc_index(self, sc_off) -> Union[int, Sequence[int]]:
"""Returns the integer index in the sc_off list that corresponds to `sc_off`
Returns the index for the supercell in the global offset.
sc_off : (3,) or list of (3,)
super cell specification. For each axis having value ``None`` all supercells
along that axis is returned.
def _assert(m, v):
if np.any(np.abs(v) > m):
raise ValueError("Requesting a non-existing supercell index")
hsc = self.nsc // 2
if len(sc_off) == 0:
return _a.arrayi([[]])
elif isinstance(sc_off[0], ndarray):
_assert(hsc[0], sc_off[:, 0])
_assert(hsc[1], sc_off[:, 1])
_assert(hsc[2], sc_off[:, 2])
return self._isc_off[sc_off[:, 0], sc_off[:, 1], sc_off[:, 2]]
elif isinstance(sc_off[0], (tuple, list)):
# We are dealing with a list of lists
sc_off = np.asarray(sc_off)
_assert(hsc[0], sc_off[:, 0])
_assert(hsc[1], sc_off[:, 1])
_assert(hsc[2], sc_off[:, 2])
return self._isc_off[sc_off[:, 0], sc_off[:, 1], sc_off[:, 2]]
# Fall back to the other routines
sc_off = self._fill_sc(sc_off)
if sc_off[0] is not None and sc_off[1] is not None and sc_off[2] is not None:
_assert(hsc[0], sc_off[0])
_assert(hsc[1], sc_off[1])
_assert(hsc[2], sc_off[2])
return self._isc_off[sc_off[0], sc_off[1], sc_off[2]]
# We build it because there are 'none'
if sc_off[0] is None:
idx = _a.arangei(self.n_s)
idx = (self.sc_off[:, 0] == sc_off[0]).nonzero()[0]
if not sc_off[1] is None:
idx = idx[(self.sc_off[idx, 1] == sc_off[1]).nonzero()[0]]
if not sc_off[2] is None:
idx = idx[(self.sc_off[idx, 2] == sc_off[2]).nonzero()[0]]
return idx
def vertices(self) -> ndarray:
"""Vertices of the cell
array of shape (2, 2, 2, 3):
The coordinates of the vertices of the cell. The first three dimensions
correspond to each cell axis (off, on), and the last one contains the xyz coordinates.
verts = np.zeros([2, 2, 2, 3])
verts[1, :, :, 0] = 1
verts[:, 1, :, 1] = 1
verts[:, :, 1, 2] = 1
return verts @ self.cell
def tocell(cls, *args) -> Lattice:
r"""Returns a 3x3 unit-cell dependent on the input
1 argument
a unit-cell along Cartesian coordinates with side-length
equal to the argument.
3 arguments
the diagonal components of a Cartesian unit-cell
6 arguments
the cell parameters given by :math:`a`, :math:`b`, :math:`c`,
:math:`\alpha`, :math:`\beta` and :math:`\gamma` (angles
in degrees).
9 arguments
a 3x3 unit-cell.
*args : float
May be either, 1, 3, 6 or 9 elements.
Note that the arguments will be put into an array and flattened
before checking the number of arguments.
>>> cell_1_1_1 = Lattice.tocell(1.)
>>> cell_1_2_3 = Lattice.tocell(1., 2., 3.)
>>> cell_1_2_3 = Lattice.tocell([1., 2., 3.]) # same as above
# Convert into true array (flattened)
args = _a.arrayd(args, order="C").ravel()
nargs = len(args)
# A square-box
if nargs == 1:
return np.diag([args[0]] * 3)
# Diagonal components
if nargs == 3:
return np.diag(args)
# Cell parameters
if nargs == 6:
cell = _a.zerosd([3, 3])
a = args[0]
b = args[1]
c = args[2]
alpha = args[3]
beta = args[4]
gamma = args[5]
from math import cos, pi, sin, sqrt
pi180 = pi / 180.0
cell[0, 0] = a
g = gamma * pi180
cg = cos(g)
sg = sin(g)
cell[1, 0] = b * cg
cell[1, 1] = b * sg
b = beta * pi180
cb = cos(b)
sb = sin(b)
cell[2, 0] = c * cb
a = alpha * pi180
d = (cos(a) - cb * cg) / sg
cell[2, 1] = c * d
cell[2, 2] = c * sqrt(sb**2 - d**2)
return cell
# A complete cell
if nargs == 9:
return args.reshape(3, 3)
raise ValueError(
f"Creating a unit cell has to have 1, 3, 6 or 9 arguments, got {nargs}."
"argument tol has been deprecated in favor of rtol, please update your code.",
def is_orthogonal(self, rtol: float = 0.001) -> bool:
Returns true if the cell vectors are orthogonal.
Internally this will be done on the normalized lattice vectors
to ensure no numerical instability.
rtol: float, optional
the threshold above which the scalar product of two normalized cell
vectors will be considered non-zero.
# Convert to unit-vector cell
cell = self.cell
cl = fnorm(cell)
cell[0] = cell[0] / cl[0]
cell[1] = cell[1] / cl[1]
cell[2] = cell[2] / cl[2]
i_s = dot3(cell[0], cell[1]) < rtol
i_s = dot3(cell[0], cell[2]) < rtol and i_s
i_s = dot3(cell[1], cell[2]) < rtol and i_s
return i_s
"argument tol has been deprecated in favor of atol, please update your code.",
def is_cartesian(self, atol: float = 0.001) -> bool:
Checks if cell vectors a,b,c are multiples of the cartesian axis vectors (x, y, z)
atol: float, optional
the threshold above which an off diagonal term will be considered non-zero.
# Get the off diagonal terms of the cell
off_diagonal = self.cell.ravel()[:-1].reshape(2, 4)[:, 1:]
# Check if all are bolew the threshold tolerance
return np.all(np.abs(off_diagonal) <= atol)
def parallel(self, other, axes: CellAxes = (0, 1, 2)) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the cell vectors are parallel to `other`
other : Lattice
the other object to check whether the axis are parallel
axes :
only check the specified axes (default to all)
axis = map(direction, listify(axes))
# Convert to unit-vector cell
for i in axis:
a = self.cell[i] / fnorm(self.cell[i])
b = other.cell[i] / fnorm(other.cell[i])
if abs(dot3(a, b) - 1) > 0.001:
return False
return True
def angle(self, axis1: CellAxis, axis2: CellAxis, rad: bool = False) -> float:
"""The angle between two of the cell vectors
axis1 :
the first cell vector
axis2 :
the second cell vector
rad : bool, optional
whether the returned value is in radians
axis1 = direction(axis1)
axis2 = direction(axis2)
n = fnorm(self.cell[[axis1, axis2]])
ang = math.acos(dot3(self.cell[axis1], self.cell[axis2]) / (n[0] * n[1]))
if rad:
return ang
return math.degrees(ang)
def read(sile, *args, **kwargs) -> Lattice:
"""Reads the supercell from the `Sile` using ``Sile.read_lattice``
sile : Sile, str or pathlib.Path
a `Sile` object which will be used to read the supercell
if it is a string it will create a new sile using `sisl.io.get_sile`.
# This only works because, they *must*
# have been imported previously
from sisl.io import BaseSile, get_sile
if isinstance(sile, BaseSile):
return sile.read_lattice(*args, **kwargs)
with get_sile(sile, mode="r") as fh:
return fh.read_lattice(*args, **kwargs)
"argument tol has been deprecated in favor of atol, please update your code.",
def equal(self, other, atol: float = 1e-4) -> bool:
"""Check whether two lattices are equivalent
other : Lattice
the other object to check whether the lattice is equivalent
atol : float, optional
tolerance value for the cell vectors and origin
if not isinstance(other, (Lattice, LatticeChild)):
return False
same = np.allclose(self.cell, other.cell, atol=atol)
same = same and np.allclose(self.nsc, other.nsc)
same = same and np.allclose(self.origin, other.origin, atol=atol)
return same
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Returns a string representation of the object"""
# Create format for lattice vectors
def bcstr(bc):
left = BoundaryCondition.getitem(bc[0]).name.capitalize()
if bc[0] == bc[1]:
# single string
return left
right = BoundaryCondition.getitem(bc[1]).name.capitalize()
return f"[{left}, {right}]"
s = ",\n ".join(
"ABC"[i] + "=[{:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}]".format(*self.cell[i])
for i in (0, 1, 2)
origin = "[{:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}]".format(*self.origin)
bc = ",\n ".join(map(bcstr, self.boundary_condition))
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}{{nsc: {self.nsc},\n origin={origin},\n {s},\n bc=[{bc}]\n}}"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
abc, abg = self.parameters()
a, b, c = map(lambda r: round(r, 4), abc.tolist())
alpha, beta, gamma = map(lambda r: round(r, 4), abg.tolist())
BC = BoundaryCondition
bc = self.boundary_condition
def bcstr(bc):
left = BC.getitem(bc[0]).name[0]
if bc[0] == bc[1]:
# single string
return left
right = BC.getitem(bc[1]).name[0]
return f"[{left}, {right}]"
bc = ", ".join(map(bcstr, self.boundary_condition))
return f"<{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} a={a}, b={b}, c={c}, α={alpha}, β={beta}, γ={gamma}, bc=[{bc}], nsc={self.nsc}>"
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
"""Equality check"""
return self.equal(other)
def __ne__(self, b) -> bool:
"""In-equality check"""
return not (self == b)
# Create pickling routines
def __getstate__(self):
"""Returns the state of this object"""
return {
"cell": self.cell,
"nsc": self.nsc,
"sc_off": self.sc_off,
"origin": self.origin,
def __setstate__(self, d):
"""Re-create the state of this object"""
self.__init__(d["cell"], d["nsc"], d["origin"])
self.sc_off = d["sc_off"]
new_dispatch = Lattice.new
to_dispatch = Lattice.to
# Define base-class for this
class LatticeNewDispatch(AbstractDispatch):
"""Base dispatcher from class passing arguments to Lattice class"""
class LatticeNewLatticeDispatch(LatticeNewDispatch):
def dispatch(self, lattice, copy: bool = False) -> Lattice:
"""Return Lattice as-is, for sanitization purposes"""
cls = self._get_class()
if cls != lattice.__class__:
lattice = cls(
copy = False
if copy:
return lattice.copy()
return lattice
new_dispatch.register(Lattice, LatticeNewLatticeDispatch)
class LatticeNewListLikeDispatch(LatticeNewDispatch):
def dispatch(self, cell, *args, **kwargs) -> Lattice:
"""Converts simple `array-like` variables to a `Lattice`
>>> Lattice.new([1, 2, 3]) == Lattice([1, 2, 3])
return Lattice(cell, *args, **kwargs)
# A cell can be created form a ndarray/list/tuple
new_dispatch.register("ndarray", LatticeNewListLikeDispatch)
new_dispatch.register(np.ndarray, LatticeNewListLikeDispatch)
new_dispatch.register(int, LatticeNewListLikeDispatch)
new_dispatch.register(float, LatticeNewListLikeDispatch)
new_dispatch.register(list, LatticeNewListLikeDispatch)
new_dispatch.register(tuple, LatticeNewListLikeDispatch)
class LatticeNewAseDispatch(LatticeNewDispatch):
def dispatch(self, aseg) -> Lattice:
"""`ase.Cell` conversion to `Lattice`"""
cls = self._get_class(allow_instance=True)
cell = aseg.get_cell()
nsc = [3 if pbc else 1 for pbc in aseg.pbc]
return cls(cell, nsc=nsc)
new_dispatch.register("ase", LatticeNewAseDispatch)
# currently we can't ensure the ase Atoms type
# to get it by type(). That requires ase to be importable.
from ase import Cell as ase_Cell
new_dispatch.register(ase_Cell, LatticeNewAseDispatch)
# ensure we don't pollute name-space
del ase_Cell
except Exception:
class LatticeNewFileDispatch(LatticeNewDispatch):
def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Lattice:
"""Defer the `Lattice.read` method by passing down arguments"""
cls = self._get_class()
return cls.read(*args, **kwargs)
new_dispatch.register(str, LatticeNewFileDispatch)
new_dispatch.register(Path, LatticeNewFileDispatch)
# see sisl/__init__.py for new_dispatch.register(BaseSile, ...)
class LatticeToDispatch(AbstractDispatch):
"""Base dispatcher from class passing from Lattice class"""
class LatticeToAseDispatch(LatticeToDispatch):
def dispatch(self, **kwargs) -> ase.Cell:
"""`Lattice` conversion to an `ase.Cell` object."""
from ase import Cell as ase_Cell
lattice = self._get_object()
return ase_Cell(lattice.cell.copy())
to_dispatch.register("ase", LatticeToAseDispatch)
class LatticeToSileDispatch(LatticeToDispatch):
def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
"""`Lattice` writing to a sile.
>>> geom = si.geom.graphene()
>>> geom.lattice.to("hello.xyz")
>>> geom.lattice.to(pathlib.Path("hello.xyz"))
lattice = self._get_object()
return lattice.write(*args, **kwargs)
to_dispatch.register("str", LatticeToSileDispatch)
to_dispatch.register("Path", LatticeToSileDispatch)
# to do geom.to[Path](path)
to_dispatch.register(str, LatticeToSileDispatch)
to_dispatch.register(Path, LatticeToSileDispatch)
class LatticeToCuboidDispatch(LatticeToDispatch):
def dispatch(self, center=None, origin=None, orthogonal=False) -> Cuboid:
"""Convert lattice parameters to a `Cuboid`"""
lattice = self._get_object()
cell = lattice.cell.copy()
if center is None:
center = lattice.center()
center = _a.asarray(center)
if origin is None:
origin = lattice.origin
origin = _a.asarray(origin)
center_off = center + origin
if not orthogonal:
return Cuboid(cell, center_off)
def find_min_max(cmin, cmax, new):
for i in range(3):
cmin[i] = min(cmin[i], new[i])
cmax[i] = max(cmax[i], new[i])
cmin = cell.min(0)
cmax = cell.max(0)
find_min_max(cmin, cmax, cell[[0, 1]].sum(0))
find_min_max(cmin, cmax, cell[[0, 2]].sum(0))
find_min_max(cmin, cmax, cell[[1, 2]].sum(0))
find_min_max(cmin, cmax, cell.sum(0))
return Cuboid(cmax - cmin, center_off)
to_dispatch.register("Cuboid", LatticeToCuboidDispatch)
to_dispatch.register(Cuboid, LatticeToCuboidDispatch)
class SuperCell(Lattice):
"""Deprecated class, please use `Lattice` instead"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
f"{self.__class__.__name__} is deprecated; please use 'Lattice' class instead",
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class LatticeChild:
"""Class to be inherited by using the ``self.lattice`` as a `Lattice` object
Initialize by a `Lattice` object and get access to several different
routines directly related to the `Lattice` class.
def sc(self):
"""[deprecated] Return the lattice object associated with the `Lattice`."""
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.sc is deprecated; please use 'lattice' instead",
return self.lattice
def set_nsc(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set the number of super-cells in the `Lattice` object
See `set_nsc` for allowed parameters.
See Also
Lattice.set_nsc : the underlying called method
self.lattice.set_nsc(*args, **kwargs)
def set_lattice(self, lattice: LatticeLike):
"""Overwrites the local lattice."""
if lattice is None:
# Default supercell is a simple
# 1x1x1 unit-cell
lattice = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
self.lattice = Lattice.new(lattice)
set_supercell = deprecation(
"set_sc is deprecated; please use set_lattice instead", "0.15", "0.16"
def length(self) -> float:
"""Returns the inherent `Lattice.length`"""
return self.lattice.length
def volume(self) -> float:
"""Returns the inherent `Lattice.volume`"""
return self.lattice.volume
def area(self, ax0, ax1) -> float:
"""Calculate the area spanned by the two axis `ax0` and `ax1`"""
return self.lattice.area(ax0, ax1)
def cell(self) -> ndarray:
"""Returns the inherent `Lattice.cell`"""
return self.lattice.cell
def icell(self) -> ndarray:
"""Returns the inherent `Lattice.icell`"""
return self.lattice.icell
def rcell(self) -> ndarray:
"""Returns the inherent `Lattice.rcell`"""
return self.lattice.rcell
def origin(self) -> ndarray:
"""Returns the inherent `Lattice.origin`"""
return self.lattice.origin
def n_s(self) -> int:
"""Returns the inherent `Lattice.n_s`"""
return self.lattice.n_s
def nsc(self) -> ndarray:
"""Returns the inherent `Lattice.nsc`"""
return self.lattice.nsc
def sc_off(self) -> ndarray:
"""Returns the inherent `Lattice.sc_off`"""
return self.lattice.sc_off
def isc_off(self) -> ndarray:
"""Returns the inherent `Lattice.isc_off`"""
return self.lattice.isc_off
def sc_index(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[int, Sequence[int]]:
"""Call local `Lattice.sc_index` function"""
return self.lattice.sc_index(*args, **kwargs)
def boundary_condition(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.lattice.boundary_condition
def boundary_condition(self, boundary_condition: Sequence[BoundaryConditionType]):
raise SislError(
f"Cannot use property to set boundary conditions of LatticeChild"
def pbc(self) -> np.ndarray:
__doc__ = Lattice.pbc.__doc__
return self.lattice.pbc
class LatticeNewLatticeChildDispatch(LatticeNewDispatch):
def dispatch(self, obj, copy: bool = False) -> Lattice:
"""Extraction of `Lattice` object from a `LatticeChild` object."""
# for sanitation purposes
if copy:
return obj.lattice.copy()
return obj.lattice
new_dispatch.register(LatticeChild, LatticeNewLatticeChildDispatch)
# Remove references
del new_dispatch, to_dispatch