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Adding new backends

This notebook displays how to integrate a new plotting backend to sisl.viz.

Let’s create a toy graphene band structure to illustrate the conceps throughout this notebook:

import sisl

geom = sisl.geom.graphene(orthogonal=True)
H = sisl.Hamiltonian(geom)
    [(0.1, 1.44), (0, -2.7)],

band_struct = sisl.BandStructure(H, [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0]], 10, ["Gamma", "X"])
info:0: SislInfo: Please install tqdm (pip install tqdm) for better looking progress bars

The final display in the visualization module is controlled by the Figure class.

from sisl.viz import Figure

And backends are stored in sisl.viz.figure.BACKENDS. It is just a dictionary containing extensions of the Figure class for particular plotting frameworks.

from sisl.viz.figure import BACKENDS

{'plotly': sisl.viz.figure.plotly.PlotlyFigure,
 'matplotlib': sisl.viz.figure.matplotlib.MatplotlibFigure,
 'py3dmol': sisl.viz.figure.Py3DmolFigure,
 'blender': sisl.viz.figure.BlenderFigure}

Therefore, to add a new backend we must follow two steps: 1. Subclass ``Figure``, adding backend specific functionality. 2. Register the backend.

The documentation of the Figure class explains what you should do to extend it:

Help on class Figure in module sisl.viz.figure.figure:

class Figure(builtins.object)
 |  Figure(plot_actions, *args, **kwargs)
 |  Base figure class that all backends should inherit from.
 |  It contains all the plotting actions that should be supported by a figure.
 |  A subclass for a specific backend should implement as many methods as possible
 |  from the ones where Figure returns NotImplementedError.
 |  Other methods are optional because Figure contains a default implementation
 |  using other methods, which should work for most backends.
 |  To create a new backend, one might take the PlotlyFigure as a template.
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, plot_actions, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  clear(self)
 |      Clears the figure so that we can draw again.
 |  draw_area_line(self, x, y, name=None, line={}, text=None, dependent_axis=None, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Same as draw line, but to draw a line with an area. This is for example used to draw fatbands.
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      x: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the X axis.
 |      y: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the Y axis.
 |      name: str, optional
 |          the name of the scatter
 |      line: dict, optional
 |          specifications for the line style, following plotly standards. The backend
 |          should at least be able to implement `line["color"]` and `line["width"]`, but
 |          it is very advisable that it supports also `line["opacity"]`.
 |      text: str, optional
 |          contains the text asigned to each marker. On plotly this is seen on hover,
 |          other options could be annotating. However, it is not necessary that this
 |          argument is supported.
 |      dependent_axis: str, optional
 |          The axis that contains the dependent variable. This is important because
 |          the area is drawn in parallel to that axis.
 |      row: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the row where to draw.
 |      col: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the column where to draw.
 |      **kwargs:
 |          should allow other keyword arguments to be passed directly to the creation of
 |          the scatter. This will of course be framework specific
 |  draw_arrows(self, x, y, dxy, arrowhead_scale=0.2, arrowhead_angle=20, scale: 'float' = 1, annotate: 'bool' = False, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws multiple arrows using the generic draw_line method.
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      xy: np.ndarray of shape (n_arrows, 2)
 |          the positions where the atoms start.
 |      dxy: np.ndarray of shape (n_arrows, 2)
 |          the arrow vector.
 |      arrow_head_scale: float, optional
 |          how big is the arrow head in comparison to the arrow vector.
 |      arrowhead_angle: angle
 |          the angle that the arrow head forms with the direction of the arrow (in degrees).
 |      scale: float, optional
 |          multiplying factor to display the arrows. It does not affect the underlying data,
 |          therefore if the data is somehow displayed it should be without the scale factor.
 |      annotate:
 |          whether to annotate the arrows with the vector they represent.
 |      row: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the row where to draw.
 |      col: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the column where to draw.
 |  draw_arrows_3D(self, x, y, z, dxyz, arrowhead_scale=0.3, arrowhead_angle=15, scale: 'float' = 1, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws multiple 3D arrows using the generic draw_line_3D method.
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      x: np.ndarray of shape (n_arrows, )
 |          the X coordinates of the arrow's origin.
 |      y: np.ndarray of shape (n_arrows, )
 |          the Y coordinates of the arrow's origin.
 |      z: np.ndarray of shape (n_arrows, )
 |          the Z coordinates of the arrow's origin.
 |      dxyz: np.ndarray of shape (n_arrows, 2)
 |          the arrow vector.
 |      arrow_head_scale: float, optional
 |          how big is the arrow head in comparison to the arrow vector.
 |      arrowhead_angle: angle
 |          the angle that the arrow head forms with the direction of the arrow (in degrees).
 |      scale: float, optional
 |          multiplying factor to display the arrows. It does not affect the underlying data,
 |          therefore if the data is somehow displayed it should be without the scale factor.
 |      row: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the row where to draw.
 |      col: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the column where to draw.
 |  draw_balls_3D(self, x, y, z, name=None, markers={}, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws points as 3D spheres.
 |  draw_heatmap(self, values, x=None, y=None, name=None, zsmooth=False, coloraxis=None, opacity=None, textformat=None, textfont={}, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a heatmap following the specifications.
 |  draw_line(self, x, y, name=None, line={}, marker={}, text=None, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a line satisfying the specifications
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      x: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the X axis.
 |      y: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the Y axis.
 |      name: str, optional
 |          the name of the line
 |      line: dict, optional
 |          specifications for the line style, following plotly standards. The backend
 |          should at least be able to implement `line["color"]` and `line["width"]`
 |      marker: dict, optional
 |          specifications for the markers style, following plotly standards. The backend
 |          should at least be able to implement `marker["color"]` and `marker["size"]`
 |      text: str, optional
 |          contains the text asigned to each marker. On plotly this is seen on hover,
 |          other options could be annotating. However, it is not necessary that this
 |          argument is supported.
 |      row: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the row where to draw.
 |      col: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the column where to draw.
 |      **kwargs:
 |          should allow other keyword arguments to be passed directly to the creation of
 |          the line. This will of course be framework specific
 |  draw_line_3D(self, x, y, z, name=None, line={}, marker={}, text=None, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a 3D line satisfying the specifications.
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      x: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the X axis.
 |      y: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the Y axis.
 |      z: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the Z axis.
 |      name: str, optional
 |          the name of the line
 |      line: dict, optional
 |          specifications for the line style, following plotly standards. The backend
 |          should at least be able to implement `line["color"]` and `line["width"]`
 |      marker: dict, optional
 |          specifications for the markers style, following plotly standards. The backend
 |          should at least be able to implement `marker["color"]` and `marker["size"]`
 |      text: str, optional
 |          contains the text asigned to each marker. On plotly this is seen on hover,
 |          other options could be annotating. However, it is not necessary that this
 |          argument is supported.
 |      row: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the row where to draw.
 |      col: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the column where to draw.
 |      **kwargs:
 |          should allow other keyword arguments to be passed directly to the creation of
 |          the line. This will of course be framework specific
 |  draw_mesh_3D(self, vertices, faces, color=None, opacity=None, name=None, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a 3D mesh following the specifications.
 |  draw_multicolor_area_line(self, x, y, name=None, line={}, text=None, dependent_axis=None, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draw a line with an area with multiple colours.
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      x: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the X axis.
 |      y: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the Y axis.
 |      name: str, optional
 |          the name of the scatter
 |      line: dict, optional
 |          specifications for the line style, following plotly standards. The backend
 |          should at least be able to implement `line["color"]` and `line["width"]`, but
 |          it is very advisable that it supports also `line["opacity"]`.
 |      text: str, optional
 |          contains the text asigned to each marker. On plotly this is seen on hover,
 |          other options could be annotating. However, it is not necessary that this
 |          argument is supported.
 |      dependent_axis: str, optional
 |          The axis that contains the dependent variable. This is important because
 |          the area is drawn in parallel to that axis.
 |      row: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the row where to draw.
 |      col: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the column where to draw.
 |      **kwargs:
 |          should allow other keyword arguments to be passed directly to the creation of
 |          the scatter. This will of course be framework specific
 |  draw_multicolor_balls_3D(self, x, y, z, name=None, marker={}, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws points as 3D spheres with different colours.
 |      If marker_color is an array of numbers, a coloraxis is created and values are converted to rgb.
 |  draw_multicolor_line(self, *args, line={}, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      By default, multicoloured lines are drawn simply by drawing scatter points.
 |  draw_multicolor_line_3D(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a multicoloured 3D line.
 |  draw_multicolor_scatter(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a multicoloured scatter.
 |      Usually the normal scatter can already support this.
 |  draw_multicolor_scatter_3D(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a multicoloured 3D scatter.
 |      Usually the normal 3D scatter can already support this.
 |  draw_multisize_area_line(self, x, y, name=None, line={}, text=None, dependent_axis=None, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draw a line with an area with multiple colours.
 |      This is already usually supported by the normal draw_area_line.
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      x: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the X axis.
 |      y: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the Y axis.
 |      name: str, optional
 |          the name of the scatter
 |      line: dict, optional
 |          specifications for the line style, following plotly standards. The backend
 |          should at least be able to implement `line["color"]` and `line["width"]`, but
 |          it is very advisable that it supports also `line["opacity"]`.
 |      text: str, optional
 |          contains the text asigned to each marker. On plotly this is seen on hover,
 |          other options could be annotating. However, it is not necessary that this
 |          argument is supported.
 |      dependent_axis: str, optional
 |          The axis that contains the dependent variable. This is important because
 |          the area is drawn in parallel to that axis.
 |      row: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the row where to draw.
 |      col: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the column where to draw.
 |      **kwargs:
 |          should allow other keyword arguments to be passed directly to the creation of
 |          the scatter. This will of course be framework specific
 |  draw_multisize_balls_3D(self, x, y, z, name=None, marker={}, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws points as 3D spheres with different sizes.
 |      Usually supported by the normal draw_balls_3D
 |  draw_multisize_line(self, *args, line={}, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      By default, multisized lines are drawn simple by drawing scatter points.
 |  draw_multisize_line_3D(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a multisized 3D line.
 |  draw_multisize_scatter(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a multisized scatter.
 |      Usually the normal scatter can already support this.
 |  draw_multisize_scatter_3D(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a multisized 3D scatter.
 |      Usually the normal 3D scatter can already support this.
 |  draw_scatter(self, x, y, name=None, marker={}, text=None, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a scatter satisfying the specifications
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      x: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the X axis.
 |      y: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the Y axis.
 |      name: str, optional
 |          the name of the scatter
 |      marker: dict, optional
 |          specifications for the markers style, following plotly standards. The backend
 |          should at least be able to implement `marker["color"]` and `marker["size"]`, but
 |          it is very advisable that it supports also `marker["opacity"]` and `marker["colorscale"]`
 |      text: str, optional
 |          contains the text asigned to each marker. On plotly this is seen on hover,
 |          other options could be annotating. However, it is not necessary that this
 |          argument is supported.
 |      row: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the row where to draw.
 |      col: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the column where to draw.
 |      **kwargs:
 |          should allow other keyword arguments to be passed directly to the creation of
 |          the scatter. This will of course be framework specific
 |  draw_scatter_3D(self, x, y, z, name=None, marker={}, text=None, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)
 |      Draws a 3D scatter satisfying the specifications
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      x: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the X axis.
 |      y: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the Y axis.
 |      z: array-like
 |          the coordinates of the points along the Z axis.
 |      name: str, optional
 |          the name of the scatter
 |      marker: dict, optional
 |          specifications for the markers style, following plotly standards. The backend
 |          should at least be able to implement `marker["color"]` and `marker["size"]`
 |      text: str, optional
 |          contains the text asigned to each marker. On plotly this is seen on hover,
 |          other options could be annotating. However, it is not necessary that this
 |          argument is supported.
 |      row: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the row where to draw.
 |      col: int, optional
 |          If the figure contains subplots, the column where to draw.
 |      **kwargs:
 |          should allow other keyword arguments to be passed directly to the creation of
 |          the scatter. This will of course be framework specific
 |  init_3D(self)
 |      Called if functions that draw in 3D are going to be called.
 |  init_coloraxis(self, name, cmin=None, cmax=None, cmid=None, colorscale=None, showscale=True, **kwargs)
 |      Initializes a color axis to be used by the drawing functions
 |  init_figure(self, composite_method: "Literal[None, 'same_axes', 'multiple', 'multiple_x', 'multiple_y', 'subplots', 'animation']" = None, plot_actions=(), init_kwargs: 'Dict[str, Any]' = {})
 |  set_axes_equal(self)
 |      Sets the axes equal.
 |  set_axis(self, **kwargs)
 |      Sets the axis parameters.
 |      The specification for the axes is exactly the plotly one. This is to have a good
 |      reference for consistency. Other frameworks should translate the calls to their
 |      functionality.
 |  show(self)
 |  to(self, key: 'str')
 |      Converts the figure to another backend.
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      key: str
 |          the backend to convert to.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Class methods defined here:
 |  fig_has_attr(key: 'str') -> 'bool'
 |      Whether the figure that this class generates has a given attribute.
 |      Parameters
 |      -----------
 |      key
 |          the attribute to check for.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'_coloraxes': 'dict', '_cols': 'Optional[int]', '_m...
 |  plot_actions = []

Therefore, we need to implement some of the methods of the Figure class. The more we implement, the more we will support sisl.viz.

Here’s an example of a very simple backend that just writes text:

import numpy as np

class TextFigure(Figure):
    def _init_figure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.text = ""

    def clear(self):
        self.text = ""

    def draw_line(self, x, y, name, **kwargs):
        self.text += f"\nLINE: {name}\n{np.array(x)}\n{np.array(y)}"

    def draw_scatter(self, x, y, name, **kwargs):
        self.text += f"\nSCATTER: {name}\n{np.array(x)}\n{np.array(y)}"

    def show(self):

    def _ipython_display_(self):

And all that is left now is to register the backend by simply adding it to the BACKENDS dictionary.

BACKENDS["text"] = TextFigure

Let’s plot the bands to check that it works.

plot = band_struct.plot()
_ipython_canary_method_should_not_exist_ False
_ipython_display_ True

The default backend has been used, let’s now change it to our new "text" backend.


[0.         0.08194034 0.16388068 0.24582102 0.32776136 0.4097017
 0.49164204 0.57358238 0.65552272 0.73746306]
[-8.1        -8.07260764 -7.99070941 -7.85514486 -7.66732391 -7.42924537
 -7.14352854 -6.81346515 -6.44310336 -6.03738354]
[0.         0.08194034 0.16388068 0.24582102 0.32776136 0.4097017
 0.49164204 0.57358238 0.65552272 0.73746306]
[-2.7        -2.78082828 -3.00808297 -3.34614692 -3.75661337 -4.20788704
 -4.67653718 -5.14555076 -5.60235836 -6.03738354]
[0.         0.08194034 0.16388068 0.24582102 0.32776136 0.4097017
 0.49164204 0.57358238 0.65552272 0.73746306]
[2.7        2.78082828 3.00808297 3.34614692 3.75661337 4.20788704
 4.67653718 5.14555076 5.60235836 6.03738354]
[0.         0.08194034 0.16388068 0.24582102 0.32776136 0.4097017
 0.49164204 0.57358238 0.65552272 0.73746306]
[8.1        8.07260764 7.99070941 7.85514486 7.66732391 7.42924537
 7.14352854 6.81346515 6.44310336 6.03738354]

Not a very visually appealing backend, but it serves the purpose of demonstrating how it is done. Now it is your turn!


For a complex framework you might take inspiration from the already implemented backends in sisl.viz.figure.*.

[ ]: