Source code for sisl._core.geometry

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# To check for integers
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import singledispatchmethod
from itertools import product
from math import acos
from numbers import Integral, Real
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy import (

import sisl._array as _a
from sisl._category import Category, GenericCategory
from sisl._dispatch_class import _Dispatchs
from sisl._dispatcher import AbstractDispatch, ClassDispatcher, TypeDispatcher
from sisl._help import isndarray
from sisl._indices import (
from sisl._internal import set_module
from sisl._math_small import cross3, is_ascending
from sisl._namedindex import NamedIndex
from sisl.messages import SislError, deprecate_argument, info, warn
from sisl.shape import Cube, Shape, Sphere
from sisl.typing import ArrayLike, AtomsIndex, NDArray, OrbitalsIndex, SileLike
from sisl.utils import (
from sisl.utils.mathematics import fnorm

from .atom import Atom, Atoms
from .lattice import Lattice, LatticeChild
from .orbital import Orbital

__all__ = ["Geometry", "sgeom", "AtomCategory"]

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# It needs to be here otherwise we can't use it in these routines
# Note how we are overwriting the module
class AtomCategory(Category):
    __slots__ = ()

[docs] @classmethod def is_class(cls, name, case=True) -> bool: # Strip off `Atom` cls_name = cls.__name__[4:] if case: return cls_name == name return cls_name.lower() == name.lower()
@set_module("sisl") class Geometry( LatticeChild, _Dispatchs, dispatchs=[ ClassDispatcher("new", obj_getattr="error", instance_dispatcher=TypeDispatcher), ClassDispatcher("to", obj_getattr="error", type_dispatcher=None), ], when_subclassing="copy", ): """Holds atomic information, coordinates, species, lattice vectors The `Geometry` class holds information regarding atomic coordinates, the atomic species, the corresponding lattice-vectors. It enables the interaction and conversion of atomic structures via simple routine methods. All lengths are assumed to be in units of Angstrom, however, as long as units are kept same the exact units are irrespective. .. code:: python >>> square = Geometry([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]], Atom(1), ... lattice=Lattice([1, 1, 10], nsc=[3, 3, 1])) >>> print(square) Geometry{na: 1, no: 1, Atoms{species: 1, Atom{H, Z: 1, mass(au): 1.00794, maxR: -1.00000, Orbital{R: -1.00000, q0: 0.0} }: 1, }, maxR: -1.00000, Lattice{volume: 1.0000e+01, nsc: [3 3 1]} } Parameters ---------- xyz : array_like atomic coordinates ``xyz[i, :]`` is the atomic coordinate of the i'th atom. atoms : array_like or Atoms atomic species retrieved from the `PeriodicTable` lattice : Lattice the unit-cell describing the atoms in a periodic super-cell Examples -------- An atomic cubic lattice of Hydrogen atoms >>> xyz = [[0, 0, 0], ... [1, 1, 1]] >>> sc = Lattice([2,2,2]) >>> g = Geometry(xyz, Atom('H'), sc) The following estimates the lattice vectors from the atomic coordinates, although possible, it is not recommended to be used. >>> xyz = [[0, 0, 0], ... [1, 1, 1]] >>> g = Geometry(xyz, Atom('H')) Conversion of geometries to other projects instances can be done via sisl's dispatch functionality >>> Atoms(...) converts to an ASE `ase.Atoms` object. See Also -------- Atoms : contained atoms ``self.atoms`` Atom : contained atoms are each an object of this """
[docs] @deprecate_argument( "sc", "lattice", "argument sc has been deprecated in favor of lattice, please update your code.", "0.15", "0.16", ) def __init__(self, xyz: ArrayLike, atoms=None, lattice=None, names=None): # Create the geometry coordinate, be aware that we do not copy! = _a.asarrayd(xyz, order="C").reshape(-1, 3) # Default value if atoms is None: atoms = Atom("H") # Create the local Atoms object self._atoms = Atoms(atoms, # Assign a group specifier if isinstance(names, NamedIndex): self._names = names.copy() else: self._names = NamedIndex(names) self._init_lattice(lattice)
def _init_lattice(self, lattice): """Initializes the supercell by *calculating* the size if not supplied If the supercell has not been passed we estimate the unit cell size by calculating the bond-length in each direction for a square Cartesian coordinate system. """ # We still need the *default* super cell for # estimating the supercell self.set_lattice(lattice) if lattice is not None: return # First create an initial guess for the supercell # It HAS to be VERY large to not interact closest = self.close(0, R=(0.0, 0.4, 5.0))[2] if len(closest) < 1: # We could not find any atoms very close, # hence we simply return and now it becomes # the users responsibility # We create a molecule box with +10 A in each direction m, M = np.amin(, axis=0), np.amax(, axis=0) + 10.0 self.set_lattice(M - m) return sc_cart = _a.zerosd([3]) cart = _a.zerosd([3]) for i in range(3): # Initialize cartesian direction cart[i] = 1.0 # Get longest distance between atoms max_dist = np.amax([:, i]) - np.amin([:, i]) dist =[closest, :] -[0, :][None, :] # Project onto the direction dd = np.abs(dot(dist, cart)) # Remove all below .4 tmp_idx = (dd >= 0.4).nonzero()[0] if len(tmp_idx) > 0: # We have a success # Add the bond-distance in the Cartesian direction # to the maximum distance in the same direction sc_cart[i] = max_dist + np.amin(dd[tmp_idx]) else: # Default to LARGE array so as no # interaction occurs (it may be 2D) sc_cart[i] = max(10.0, max_dist) cart[i] = 0.0 # Re-set the supercell to the newly found one self.set_lattice(sc_cart) @property def atoms(self) -> Atoms: """Atoms associated with the geometry""" return self._atoms @property def names(self): """The named index specifier""" return self._names @property def q0(self) -> float: """Total initial charge in this geometry (sum of q0 off all atoms)""" return self.atoms.q0.sum() @property def mass(self) -> ndarray: """The mass of all atoms as an array""" return self.atoms.mass
[docs] def maxR(self, all: bool = False) -> float: """Maximum orbital range of the atoms""" return self.atoms.maxR(all)
@property def na(self) -> int: """Number of atoms in geometry""" return[0] @property def na_s(self) -> int: """Number of supercell atoms""" return * self.n_s def __len__(self) -> int: """Number of atoms in geometry in unit cell""" return @property def no(self) -> int: """Number of orbitals in unit cell""" return @property def no_s(self) -> int: """Number of supercell orbitals""" return * self.n_s @property def firsto(self) -> NDArray[np.int32]: """The first orbital on the corresponding atom""" return self.atoms.firsto @property def lasto(self) -> NDArray[np.int32]: """The last orbital on the corresponding atom""" return self.atoms.lasto @property def orbitals(self) -> ndarray: """List of orbitals per atom""" return self.atoms.orbitals ## End size of geometry @property def fxyz(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Returns geometry coordinates in fractional coordinates""" return dot(, self.icell.T) def __setitem__(self, atoms, value): """Specify geometry coordinates""" if isinstance(atoms, str): self.names.add_name(atoms, value) elif isinstance(value, str): self.names.add_name(value, atoms) @singledispatchmethod def __getitem__(self, atoms) -> ndarray: """Geometry coordinates (allows supercell indices)""" return self.axyz(atoms) @__getitem__.register def _(self, atoms: slice) -> ndarray: if atoms.stop is None: atoms = atoms.indices( else: atoms = atoms.indices(self.na_s) return self.axyz(_a.arangei(atoms[0], atoms[1], atoms[2])) @__getitem__.register def _(self, atoms: tuple) -> ndarray: return self[atoms[0]][..., atoms[1]] @singledispatchmethod def _sanitize_atoms(self, atoms) -> ndarray: """Converts an `atoms` to index under given inputs `atoms` may be one of the following: - boolean array -> nonzero()[0] - name -> self._names[name] - `Atom` -> self.atoms.index(atom) - range/list/ndarray -> ndarray """ if atoms is None: return np.arange( atoms = _a.asarray(atoms) if atoms.size == 0: return _a.asarrayl([]) if atoms.dtype == bool_: return atoms.nonzero()[0] return atoms @_sanitize_atoms.register def _(self, atoms: ndarray) -> ndarray: if atoms.dtype == bool_: return np.flatnonzero(atoms) return atoms @_sanitize_atoms.register def _(self, atoms: slice) -> ndarray: # TODO consider doing range([atoms] start, stop, step = atoms.start, atoms.stop, atoms.step if start is None: start = 0 if stop is None: stop = if step is None: step = 1 return np.arange(start, stop, step) @_sanitize_atoms.register def _(self, atoms: str) -> ndarray: return self.names[atoms] @_sanitize_atoms.register def _(self, atoms: Atom) -> ndarray: return self.atoms.index(atoms) @_sanitize_atoms.register(AtomCategory) @_sanitize_atoms.register(GenericCategory) def _( self, atoms_: Union[AtomCategory, GenericCategory], atoms: AtomsIndex = None, ) -> ndarray: # First do categorization cat = atoms_.categorize(self, atoms) def m(cat): for ia, c in enumerate(cat): if c == None: # we are using NullCategory == None pass else: yield ia return _a.fromiterl(m(cat)) @_sanitize_atoms.register def _(self, atoms_: dict, atoms: AtomsIndex = None) -> ndarray: # First do categorization return self._sanitize_atoms(**atoms_), atoms) @_sanitize_atoms.register def _(self, atoms: Shape) -> ndarray: # This is perhaps a bit weird since a shape could # extend into the supercell. # Since the others only does this for unit-cell atoms # then it seems natural to also do that here... return atoms.within_index( @_sanitize_atoms.register def _(self, atoms: bool) -> ndarray: if atoms: return np.arange( return np.array([], np.int64) @singledispatchmethod def _sanitize_orbs(self, orbitals) -> ndarray: """Converts an `orbital` to index under given inputs `orbital` may be one of the following: - boolean array -> nonzero()[0] - dict -> {atom: sub_orbital} """ if orbitals is None: return np.arange( orbitals = _a.asarray(orbitals) if orbitals.size == 0: return _a.asarrayl([]) elif orbitals.dtype == np.bool_: return orbitals.nonzero()[0] return orbitals @_sanitize_orbs.register def _(self, orbitals: ndarray) -> ndarray: if orbitals.dtype == bool_: return np.flatnonzero(orbitals) return orbitals @_sanitize_orbs.register def _(self, orbitals: slice) -> ndarray: start, stop, step = orbitals.start, orbitals.stop, orbitals.step if start is None: start = 0 if stop is None: stop = if step is None: step = 1 return np.arange(start, stop, step) @_sanitize_orbs.register def _(self, orbitals: str) -> ndarray: atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(orbitals) return self.a2o(atoms, all=True) @_sanitize_orbs.register def _(self, orbitals: Atom) -> ndarray: atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(orbitals) return self.a2o(atoms, all=True) @_sanitize_orbs.register def _(self, orbitals: AtomCategory) -> ndarray: atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(orbitals) return self.a2o(atoms, all=True) @_sanitize_orbs.register def _(self, orbitals: Shape) -> ndarray: atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(orbitals) return self.a2o(atoms, all=True) @_sanitize_orbs.register def _(self, orbitals: dict) -> ndarray: """A dict has atoms as keys""" def conv(atom, orbs): atom = self._sanitize_atoms(atom) return np.add.outer(self.firsto[atom], orbs).ravel() return np.concatenate( tuple(conv(atom, orbs) for atom, orbs in orbitals.items()) ) @_sanitize_orbs.register def _(self, orbitals: bool) -> ndarray: if orbitals: return np.arange( return np.array([], dtype=np.int64)
[docs] def as_primary( self, na_primary: int, axes: Sequence[int] = (0, 1, 2), ret_super: bool = False ) -> Union[Geometry, Tuple[Geometry, Lattice]]: """Reduce the geometry to the primary unit-cell comprising `na_primary` atoms This will basically try and find the tiling/repetitions required for the geometry to only have `na_primary` atoms in the unit cell. Parameters ---------- na_primary : number of atoms in the primary unit cell axes : only search the given directions for supercells, default to all directions ret_super : also return the number of supercells used in each direction Returns ------- `Geometry` the primary unit cell `Lattice` the tiled supercell numbers used to find the primary unit cell (only if `ret_super` is true) Raises ------ `SislError` If the algorithm fails. """ na = len(self) if na % na_primary != 0: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.as_primary requires the number of atoms to be divisable by the " "total number of atoms." ) axes = _a.arrayi(axes) n_supercells = len(self) // na_primary if n_supercells == 1: # Return a copy of self if ret_super: return self.copy(), self.nsc.copy() return self.copy() # Now figure out the repetitions along each direction fxyz = self.fxyz # Move to 0 fxyz -= fxyz.min(0) # Shift a little bit in to account for inaccuracies. fxyz += (0.5 - (fxyz.max(0) - fxyz.min(0)) / 2) * 0.01 # Default guess to 1 along all directions supercell = _a.onesi(3) n_bin = n_supercells while n_bin > 1: # Create bins bins = np.linspace(0, 1, n_bin + 1) # Loop directions where we need to check for axis in axes: if supercell[axis] != 1: continue # A histogram should yield an equal splitting for each bins # if the geometry is a n_bin repetition along the i'th direction. # Hence if diff == 0 for all elements we have a match. diff_bin = np.diff(np.histogram(fxyz[:, axis], bins)[0]) if diff_bin.sum() == 0: supercell[axis] = n_bin if > n_supercells: # For geometries with more than 1 atom in the primary unit cell # we can get false positives (each layer can be split again) # We will search again the max-value supercell i_max = supercell.argmax() n_bin = supercell[i_max] supercell[i_max] = 1 # Quick escape if hit the correct number of supercells if == n_supercells: break n_bin -= 1 # Check that the number of supercells match if != n_supercells: raise SislError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.as_primary could not determine the optimal supercell." ) # Cut down the supercell (TODO this does not correct the number of supercell connections!) lattice = self.lattice.copy() for i in range(3): lattice = lattice.untile(supercell[i], i) # Now we need to find the atoms that are in the primary cell # We do this by finding all coordinates within the primary unit-cell fxyz = dot(, lattice.icell.T) # Move to 0 and shift in 0.05 Ang in each direction fxyz -= fxyz.min(0) # Find minimal distance in each direction sc_idx = (supercell > 1).nonzero()[0] min_fxyz = _a.zerosd(3) for i in sc_idx: s_fxyz = np.sort(fxyz[:, i]) min_fxyz[i] = s_fxyz[(s_fxyz < 1e-4).nonzero()[0][-1] + 1] fxyz += min_fxyz * 0.05 # Find all fractional indices that are below 1 ind = np.logical_and.reduce(fxyz < 1.0, axis=1).nonzero()[0] geom = self.sub(ind) geom.set_lattice(lattice) if ret_super: return geom, supercell return geom
[docs] def as_supercell(self) -> Geometry: """Create a new geometry equivalent to ``self * self.nsc``, where the indices are ordered as the supercells Returns ------- `Geometry` the supercell expanded and reordered Geometry """ # Get total number of atoms na = len(self) # create the big supercell geometry in the simplest (linear) way sc = self * self.nsc # remove nsc, this supercell should hold all information sc.set_nsc([1, 1, 1]) # get off-set for first atom # this is used to correct the indices created after having shifted # everything f0 = self.fxyz[0] # translate the supercell such that the 0, 0, 0 (primary cell) # is located at the origin. sc = sc.translate(-(self.nsc // 2) @ self.cell) # Calculate the translation table such that the ordering in `sc` can # be made to look like the `self` supercell indices isc_sc = np.rint([::na] @ self.icell.T - f0).astype(np.int32) isc_self = self.a2isc(np.arange(self.n_s) * na) def new_sub(isc): return (abs(isc_sc - isc).sum(1) == 0).nonzero()[0][0] # Create the translation table for the indices translate = np.array([new_sub(isc) for isc in isc_self]) # make sure all atoms are present translate = np.repeat(translate * na, na).reshape(-1, na) + np.arange(na) # re-arrange the atoms and return return sc.sub(translate.ravel())
[docs] def reorder(self) -> None: """Reorders atoms according to first occurence in the geometry The atoms gets reordered according to their placement in the geometry. For instance, if the first atom is the 2nd species in the geometry. Then this routine will swap the 2nd and 1st species in the `self.atoms` object. Notes ----- This is an in-place operation. """ self._atoms = self.atoms.reorder(inplace=True)
[docs] def reduce(self) -> None: """Remove all atoms not currently used in the ``self.atoms`` object Notes ----- This is an in-place operation. """ self._atoms = self.atoms.reduce(inplace=True)
[docs] def rij(self, ia: AtomsIndex, ja: AtomsIndex) -> ndarray: r"""Distance between atom `ia` and `ja`, atoms can be in super-cell indices Returns the distance between two atoms: .. math:: r^{IJ} = |\mathbf r^J - \mathbf r^I| Parameters ---------- ia : atomic index of first atom ja : atomic indices """ R = self.Rij(ia, ja) if len(R.shape) == 1: return (R[0] ** 2.0 + R[1] ** 2 + R[2] ** 2) ** 0.5 return fnorm(R)
[docs] def Rij(self, ia: AtomsIndex, ja: AtomsIndex) -> ndarray: r"""Vector between atom `ia` and `ja`, atoms can be in super-cell indices Returns the vector between two atoms: .. math:: \mathbf r^{IJ} = \mathbf r^J - \mathbf r^I Parameters ---------- ia : atomic index of first atom ja : atomic indices """ xi = self.axyz(ia) xj = self.axyz(ja) if isinstance(ja, Integral): return xj[:] - xi[:] elif np.allclose(xi.shape, xj.shape): return xj - xi return xj - xi[None, :]
[docs] def orij(self, orbitals1: OrbitalsIndex, orbitals2: OrbitalsIndex) -> ndarray: r"""Distance between orbital `orbitals1` and `orbitals2`, orbitals can be in super-cell indices Returns the distance between two orbitals: .. math:: r^{ij} = |\mathbf r^j - \mathbf r^i| Parameters ---------- orbitals1 : orbital index of first orbital orbitals2 : orbital indices """ return self.rij(self.o2a(orbitals1), self.o2a(orbitals2))
[docs] def oRij(self, orbitals1: OrbitalsIndex, orbitals2: OrbitalsIndex) -> ndarray: r"""Vector between orbital `orbitals1` and `orbitals2`, orbitals can be in super-cell indices Returns the vector between two orbitals: .. math:: \mathbf r^{ij} = \mathbf r^j - \mathbf r^i Parameters ---------- orbitals1 : orbital index of first orbital orbitals2 : orbital indices """ return self.Rij(self.o2a(orbitals1), self.o2a(orbitals2))
[docs] @staticmethod def read(sile: SileLike, *args, **kwargs) -> Geometry: """Reads geometry from the `Sile` using `Sile.read_geometry` Parameters ---------- sile : a `Sile` object which will be used to read the geometry if it is a string it will create a new sile using `get_sile`. See Also -------- write : writes a `Geometry` to a given `Sile`/file """ # This only works because, they *must* # have been imported previously from import BaseSile, get_sile if isinstance(sile, BaseSile): return sile.read_geometry(*args, **kwargs) else: with get_sile(sile, mode="r") as fh: return fh.read_geometry(*args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self) -> str: """str of the object""" s = f"{self.__class__.__name__}{{na: {}, no: {},\n " s += str(self.atoms).replace("\n", "\n ") if len(self.names) > 0: s += ",\n " + str(self.names).replace("\n", "\n ") return ( s + ",\n maxR: {0:.5f},\n {1}\n}}".format( self.maxR(), str(self.lattice).replace("\n", "\n ") ) ).strip() def __repr__(self) -> str: """A simple, short string representation.""" return f"<{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} na={}, no={}, nsc={self.nsc}>"
[docs] def iter(self) -> Iterator[int]: """An iterator over all atomic indices This iterator is the same as: >>> for ia in range(len(self)): ... <do something> or equivalently >>> for ia in self: ... <do something> See Also -------- iter_species : iterate across indices and atomic species iter_orbitals : iterate across atomic indices and orbital indices """ yield from range(len(self))
__iter__ = iter
[docs] def iter_species(self, atoms: AtomsIndex = None) -> Iterator[int, Atom, int]: """Iterator over all atoms (or a subset) and species as a tuple in this geometry >>> for ia, a, idx_species in self.iter_species(): ... isinstance(ia, int) == True ... isinstance(a, Atom) == True ... isinstance(idx_species, int) == True with ``ia`` being the atomic index, ``a`` the `Atom` object, ``idx_species`` is the index of the specie Parameters ---------- atoms : only loop on the given atoms, default to all atoms See Also -------- iter : iterate over atomic indices iter_orbitals : iterate across atomic indices and orbital indices """ if atoms is None: for ia in self: yield ia, self.atoms[ia], self.atoms.species[ia] else: for ia in self._sanitize_atoms(atoms).ravel(): yield ia, self.atoms[ia], self.atoms.species[ia]
[docs] def iter_orbitals( self, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, local: bool = True ) -> Iterator[int, int]: r"""Returns an iterator over all atoms and their associated orbitals >>> for ia, io in self.iter_orbitals(): with ``ia`` being the atomic index, ``io`` the associated orbital index on atom ``ia``. Note that ``io`` will start from ``0``. Parameters ---------- atoms : only loop on the given atoms, default to all atoms local : whether the orbital index is the global index, or the local index relative to the atom it resides on. Yields ------ ia atomic index io orbital index See Also -------- iter : iterate over atomic indices iter_species : iterate across indices and atomic species """ if atoms is None: if local: for ia, IO in enumerate(zip(self.firsto, self.lasto + 1)): for io in range(IO[1] - IO[0]): yield ia, io else: for ia, IO in enumerate(zip(self.firsto, self.lasto + 1)): for io in range(IO[0], IO[1]): yield ia, io else: atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms).ravel() if local: for ia, io1, io2 in zip( atoms, self.firsto[atoms], self.lasto[atoms] + 1 ): for io in range(io2 - io1): yield ia, io else: for ia, io1, io2 in zip( atoms, self.firsto[atoms], self.lasto[atoms] + 1 ): for io in range(io1, io2): yield ia, io
[docs] def iR(self, na: int = 1000, iR: int = 20, R: Optional[float] = None) -> int: """Return an integer number of maximum radii (``self.maxR()``) which holds approximately `na` atoms Parameters ---------- na : number of atoms within the radius iR : initial `iR` value, which the sphere is estitametd from R : the value used for atomic range (defaults to ``self.maxR()``) Returns ------- int number of radius needed to contain `na` atoms. Minimally 2 will be returned. """ ia = np.random.randint(len(self)) # default block iterator if R is None: R = self.maxR() + 0.001 if R < 0: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.iR unable to determine a number of atoms within a sphere with negative radius, is maxR() defined?" ) # Number of atoms within 20 * R naiR = max(1, len(self.close(ia, R=R * iR))) # Convert to na atoms spherical radii iR = int(4 / 3 * np.pi * R**3 / naiR * na) return max(2, iR)
[docs] def iter_block_rand( self, iR: int = 20, R: Optional[float] = None, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, ) -> Iterator[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]: """Perform the *random* block-iteration by randomly selecting the next center of block""" # We implement yields as we can then do nested iterators # create a boolean array na = len(self) if atoms is not None: not_passed = np.zeros(na, dtype=bool) # Reverse the values not_passed[atoms] = True else: not_passed = np.ones(na, dtype=bool) # Figure out how many we need to loop on not_passed_N = np.sum(not_passed) if iR < 2: raise SislError(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.iter_block_rand too small iR!") if R is None: R = self.maxR() + 0.001 # The boundaries (ensure complete overlap) R = np.array([iR - 0.5, iR + 0.501]) * R # loop until all passed are true while not_passed_N > 0: # Take a random non-passed element all_true = not_passed.nonzero()[0] # Shuffle should increase the chance of hitting a # completely "fresh" segment, thus we take the most # atoms at any single time. # Shuffling will cut down needed iterations. np.random.shuffle(all_true) # take one element, after shufling, we can take the first idx = all_true[0] del all_true # Now we have found a new index, from which # we want to create the index based stuff on # get all elements within two radii all_idx = self.close(idx, R=R) # Get unit-cell atoms, we are drawing a circle, and this # circle only encompasses those already in the unit-cell. all_idx[1] = np.union1d( self.sc2uc(all_idx[0], unique=True), self.sc2uc(all_idx[1], unique=True) ) # If we translated stuff into the unit-cell, we could end up in situations # where the supercell atom is in the circle, but not the UC-equivalent # of that one. all_idx[0] = all_idx[0][all_idx[0] < na] # Only select those who have not been runned yet all_idx[0] = all_idx[0][not_passed[all_idx[0]].nonzero()[0]] if len(all_idx[0]) == 0: continue # Tell the next loop to skip those passed not_passed[all_idx[0]] = False # Update looped variables not_passed_N -= len(all_idx[0]) # Now we want to yield the stuff revealed # all_idx[0] contains the elements that should be looped # all_idx[1] contains the indices that can be searched yield all_idx[0], all_idx[1] if np.any(not_passed): print(not_passed.nonzero()[0]) print(np.sum(not_passed), len(self)) raise SislError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.iter_block_rand error on iterations. Not all atoms have been visited." )
[docs] def iter_block_shape( self, shape=None, iR: int = 20, atoms: AtomsIndex = None ) -> Iterator[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]: """Perform the *grid* block-iteration by looping a grid""" # We implement yields as we can then do nested iterators # create a boolean array na = len(self) if atoms is not None: not_passed = np.zeros(na, dtype=bool) # Reverse the values not_passed[atoms] = True else: not_passed = np.ones(na, dtype=bool) # Figure out how many we need to loop on not_passed_N = np.sum(not_passed) if iR < 2: raise SislError(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.iter_block_shape too small iR!") R = self.maxR() + 0.001 if shape is None: # we default to the Cube shapes dS = (Cube((iR - 0.5) * R), Cube((iR + 1.501) * R)) else: if isinstance(shape, Shape): dS = (shape,) else: dS = tuple(shape) if len(dS) == 1: dS += (dS[0].expand(R),) if len(dS) != 2: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.iter_block_shape, number of Shapes *must* be one or two" ) # Now create the Grid # convert the radius to a square Grid # We do this by examining the x, y, z coordinates xyz_m = np.amin(, axis=0) xyz_M = np.amax(, axis=0) dxyz = xyz_M - xyz_m # Currently iterating different shapes only works for # Sphere and Cube for s in dS: if not isinstance(s, (Cube, Sphere)): raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.iter_block_shape currently only works for " "Cube or Sphere objects. Please change sources." ) # Retrieve the internal diameter if isinstance(dS[0], Cube): ir = dS[0].edge_length elif isinstance(dS[0], Sphere): ir = [dS[0].radius * 0.5**0.5 * 2] * 3 elif isinstance(dS[0], Shape): # Convert to spheres (which probably should be cubes for performance) dS = [ for s in dS] # Now do the same with spheres ir = [dS[0].radius * 0.5**0.5 * 2] * 3 # Figure out number of segments in each iteration # (minimum 1) ixyz = _a.arrayi(ceil(dxyz / ir + 0.0001)) # Calculate the steps required for each iteration for i in (0, 1, 2): dxyz[i] = dxyz[i] / ixyz[i] # Correct the initial position to offset the initial displacement # so that we are at the border. xyz_m[i] += min(dxyz[i], ir[i]) / 2 if xyz_m[i] > xyz_M[i]: # This is the case where one of the cell dimensions # is far too great. # In this case ixyz[i] should be 1 xyz_m[i] = (xyz_M[i] - xyz_m[i]) / 2 # Shorthand function where = np.where # Now we loop in each direction for x, y, z in product(range(ixyz[0]), range(ixyz[1]), range(ixyz[2])): # Create the new center center = xyz_m + [x * dxyz[0], y * dxyz[1], z * dxyz[2]] # Correct in case the iteration steps across the maximum center = where(center < xyz_M, center, xyz_M) dS[0].center = center[:] dS[1].center = center[:] # Now perform the iteration # get all elements within two radii all_idx = self.within(dS) # Get unit-cell atoms, we are drawing a circle, and this # circle only encompasses those already in the unit-cell. all_idx[1] = np.union1d( self.sc2uc(all_idx[0], unique=True), self.sc2uc(all_idx[1], unique=True) ) # If we translated stuff into the unit-cell, we could end up in situations # where the supercell atom is in the circle, but not the UC-equivalent # of that one. all_idx[0] = all_idx[0][all_idx[0] < na] # Only select those who have not been runned yet all_idx[0] = all_idx[0][not_passed[all_idx[0]].nonzero()[0]] if len(all_idx[0]) == 0: continue # Tell the next loop to skip those passed not_passed[all_idx[0]] = False # Update looped variables not_passed_N -= len(all_idx[0]) # Now we want to yield the stuff revealed # all_idx[0] contains the elements that should be looped # all_idx[1] contains the indices that can be searched yield all_idx[0], all_idx[1] if np.any(not_passed): not_passed = not_passed.nonzero()[0] raise SislError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.iter_block_shape error on iterations. Not all atoms have been visited " f"{not_passed}" )
[docs] def iter_block( self, iR: int = 20, R: Optional[float] = None, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, method: str = "rand", ) -> Iterator[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]: """Iterator for performance critical loops NOTE: This requires that `R` has been set correctly as the maximum interaction range. I.e. the loop would look like this: >>> for ias, idxs in self.iter_block(): ... for ia in ias: ... idx_a = self.close(ia, R = R, idx = idxs) This iterator is intended for systems with more than 1000 atoms. Remark that the iterator used is non-deterministic, i.e. any two iterators need not return the same atoms in any way. Parameters ---------- iR : the number of `R` ranges taken into account when doing the iterator R : enables overwriting the local R quantity. Defaults to ``self.maxR() + 0.001`` atoms : enables only effectively looping a subset of the full geometry method : {'rand', 'sphere', 'cube'} select the method by which the block iteration is performed. Possible values are: `rand`: a spherical object is constructed with a random center according to the internal atoms `sphere`: a spherical equispaced shape is constructed and looped `cube`: a cube shape is constructed and looped Yields ------- numpy.ndarray current list of atoms currently searched numpy.ndarray atoms that needs searching """ if iR < 2: raise SislError(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.iter_block too small iR!") method = method.lower() if method in ("rand", "random"): yield from self.iter_block_rand(iR, R, atoms) elif method in ("sphere", "cube"): if R is None: R = self.maxR() + 0.001 # Create shapes if method == "sphere": dS = (Sphere((iR - 0.5) * R), Sphere((iR + 0.501) * R)) elif method == "cube": dS = ( Cube((2 * iR - 0.5) * R), # we need an extra R here since it needs to extend on both sides Cube((2 * iR + 1.501) * R), ) yield from self.iter_block_shape(dS) else: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.iter_block got unexpected 'method' argument: {method}" )
[docs] @deprecate_argument( "eps", "atol", "argument eps has been deprecated in favor of atol", "0.15", "0.16", ) def overlap( self, other: GeometryLikeType, atol: float = 0.1, offset: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), offset_other: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """Calculate the overlapping indices between two geometries Find equivalent atoms (in the primary unit-cell only) in two geometries. This routine finds which atoms have the same atomic positions in `self` and `other`. Note that this will return duplicate overlapping atoms if one atoms lies within `eps` of more than 1 atom in `other`. Parameters ---------- other : Geometry to compare with `self` atol : atoms within this distance will be considered *equivalent* offset : offset for `` before comparing offset_other : offset for `` before comparing Examples -------- >>> gr22 = sisl.geom.graphene().tile(2, 0).tile(2, 1) >>> gr44 = gr22.tile(2, 0).tile(2, 1) >>> offset = np.array([0.2, 0.4, 0.4]) >>> gr22 = gr22.translate(offset) >>> idx = np.arange(len(gr22)) >>> np.random.shuffle(idx) >>> gr22 = gr22.sub(idx) >>> idx22, idx44 = gr22.overlap(gr44, offset=-offset) >>> assert idx22 == np.arange(len(gr22)) >>> assert idx44 == idx Returns ------- idx_self : numpy.ndarray of int indices in `self` that are equivalent with `idx_other` idx_other : numpy.ndarray of int indices in `other` that are equivalent with `idx_self` """ # sanitize `other` other = s_xyz = + (_a.arrayd(offset) - _a.arrayd(offset_other)) idx_self = [] self_extend = idx_self.extend idx_other = [] other_extend = idx_other.extend for ia, xyz in enumerate(s_xyz): # only search in the primary unit-cell idx = other.close_sc(xyz, R=(atol,)) self_extend([ia] * idx.size) other_extend(idx) return _a.arrayi(idx_self), _a.arrayi(idx_other)
[docs] def optimize_nsc( self, axes: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, R: Optional[float] = None, ) -> ndarray: """Optimize the number of supercell connections based on ``self.maxR()`` After this routine the number of supercells may not necessarily be the same. This is an in-place operation. Parameters ---------- axes : only optimize the specified axes (default to all) R : the maximum connection radius for each atom """ if axes is None: axes = [0, 1, 2] else: axes = _a.asarrayi(axes).ravel() if len(axes) == 0: return self.nsc if R is None: R = self.maxR() + 0.001 if R < 0: R = 0.00001 warn( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" ".optimize_nsc could not determine the radius from the " "internal atoms (defaulting to zero radius)." ) ic = self.icell nrc = 1 / fnorm(ic) idiv = floor(np.maximum(nrc / (2 * R), 1.1)).astype(np.int32, copy=False) imcell = ic * idiv.reshape(-1, 1) # We know this is the maximum nsc = self.nsc.copy() # We need to subtract one to ensure we are not taking into account # too big supercell connections. # I don't think we need anything other than this. # However, until I am sure that this wouldn't change, regardless of the # cell. I will keep it. Rimcell = R * fnorm(imcell)[axes] nsc[axes] = (floor(Rimcell) + ceil(Rimcell % 0.5 - 0.5)).astype(np.int32) # Since for 1 it is not sure that it is a connection or not, we limit the search by # removing it. nsc[axes] = np.where(nsc[axes] > 1, nsc[axes], 0) for i in axes: # Initialize the isc for this direction # (note we do not take non-orthogonal directions # into account) isc = _a.zerosi(3) isc[i] = nsc[i] # Initialize the actual number of supercell connections # along this direction. prev_isc = isc[i] while prev_isc == isc[i]: # Try next supercell connection isc[i] += 1 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") for ia in self: idx = self.close_sc(ia, isc=isc, R=R) if len(idx) > 0: prev_isc = isc[i] break # Save the reached supercell connection nsc[i] = prev_isc * 2 + 1 self.set_nsc(nsc) return nsc
[docs] def sub_orbital(self, atoms: AtomsIndex, orbitals: OrbitalsIndex) -> Geometry: r"""Retain only a subset of the orbitals on `atoms` according to `orbitals` This allows one to retain only a given subset of geometry. Parameters ---------- atoms : array_like of int or Atom indices of atoms or `Atom` that will be reduced in size according to `orbitals` orbitals : array_like of int or Orbital indices of the orbitals on `atoms` that are retained in the geometry, the list of orbitals will be sorted. Notes ----- Future implementations may allow one to re-arange orbitals using this method. When using this method the internal species list will be populated by another specie that is named after the orbitals removed. This is to distinguish different atoms. Examples -------- >>> # a Carbon atom with 2 orbitals >>> C = sisl.Atom('C', [1., 2.]) >>> # an oxygen atom with 3 orbitals >>> O = sisl.Atom('O', [1., 2., 2.4]) >>> geometry = sisl.Geometry([[0] * 3, [1] * 3]], 2, [C, O]) Now ``geometry`` is a geometry with 2 different species and 6 atoms (3 of each). They are ordered ``[C, O, C, O, C, O]``. In the following we will note species that are different from the original by a ``'`` in the list. Retain 2nd orbital on the 2nd atom: ``[C, O', C, O, C, O]`` >>> new_geom = geometry.sub_orbital(1, 1) Retain 2nd orbital on 1st and 2nd atom: ``[C', O', C, O, C, O]`` >>> new_geom = geometry.sub_orbital([0, 1], 1) Retain 2nd orbital on the 1st atom and 3rd orbital on 4th atom: ``[C', O, C, O', C, O]`` >>> new_geom = geometry.sub_orbital(0, 1).sub_orbital(3, 2) Retain 2nd orbital on all atoms equivalent to the first atom: ``[C', O, C', O, C', O]`` >>> new_geom = geometry.sub_orbital(obj.geometry.atoms[0], 1) Retain 1st orbital on 1st atom, and 2nd orbital on 3rd and 5th atom: ``[C', O, C'', O, C'', O]`` >>> new_geom = geometry.sub_orbital(0, 0).sub_orbital([2, 4], 1) See Also -------- remove_orbital : removing a set of orbitals (opposite of this) """ atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms).ravel() # Figure out if all atoms have the same species species = self.atoms.species[atoms] uniq_species, indices = unique(species, return_inverse=True) if len(uniq_species) > 1: # In case there are multiple different species but one wishes to # retain the same orbital index, then we loop on the unique species new = self for i in range(uniq_species.size): idx = (indices == i).nonzero()[0] # now determine whether it is the whole atom # or only part of the geometry new = new.sub_orbital(atoms[idx], orbitals) return new # At this point we are sure that uniq_species is *only* one specie! geom = self.copy() # Get the atom object we wish to reduce old_atom = geom.atoms[atoms[0]] old_atom_species = geom.atoms.species_index(old_atom) old_atom_count = (geom.atoms.species == old_atom_species).sum() if isinstance(orbitals, (Orbital, Integral)): orbitals = [orbitals] if isinstance(orbitals[0], Orbital): orbitals = [old_atom.index(orb) for orb in orbitals] orbitals = np.sort(orbitals) if len(orbitals) == 0: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.sub_orbital trying to retain 0 orbitals on a given atom. This is not allowed!" ) # create the new atom new_atom = old_atom.sub(orbitals) # Rename the new-atom to <>_1_2 for orbital == [1, 2] new_atom._tag += "_" + "_".join(map(str, orbitals)) # There are now 2 cases. # 1. we replace all atoms of a given specie # 2. we replace a subset of atoms of a given specie if len(atoms) == old_atom_count: # We catch the warning about reducing the number of orbitals! with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # this is in-place operation and we don't need to worry about geom.atoms.replace_atom(old_atom, new_atom) else: # we have to add the new one (in case it does not exist) try: new_atom_species = geom.atoms.species_index(new_atom) except Exception: new_atom_species = geom.atoms.nspecies # the above checks that it is indeed a new atom geom._atoms._atom.append(new_atom) # transfer specie index geom.atoms._species[atoms] = new_atom_species geom.atoms._update_orbitals() return geom
[docs] def remove_orbital(self, atoms: AtomsIndex, orbitals: OrbitalsIndex) -> Geometry: """Remove a subset of orbitals on `atoms` according to `orbitals` For more detailed examples, please see the equivalent (but opposite) method `sub_orbital`. Parameters ---------- atoms : array_like of int or Atom indices of atoms or `Atom` that will be reduced in size according to `orbitals` orbitals : array_like of int or Orbital indices of the orbitals on `atoms` that are removed from the geometry. See Also -------- sub_orbital : retaining a set of orbitals (see here for examples) """ # Get specie index of the atom (convert to list of indices) atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms).ravel() # Figure out if all atoms have the same species species = self.atoms.species[atoms] uniq_species, indices = unique(species, return_inverse=True) if len(uniq_species) > 1: # In case there are multiple different species but one wishes to # retain the same orbital index, then we loop on the unique species new = self for i in range(uniq_species.size): idx = (indices == i).nonzero()[0] # now determine whether it is the whole atom # or only part of the geometry new = new.remove_orbital(atoms[idx], orbitals) return new # Get the atom object we wish to reduce # We know np.all(geom.atoms[atom] == old_atom) old_atom = self.atoms[atoms[0]] if isinstance(orbitals, (Orbital, Integral)): orbitals = [orbitals] if isinstance(orbitals[0], Orbital): orbitals = [old_atom.index(orb) for orb in orbitals] orbitals = np.delete(_a.arangei(len(old_atom)), np.asarray(orbitals).ravel()) orbitals = np.sort(orbitals) # now call sub_orbital return self.sub_orbital(atoms, orbitals)
def __mul__(self, m, method="tile") -> Geometry: """Implement easy tile/repeat function Parameters ---------- m : int or tuple or list or (tuple, str) or (list, str) a tuple/list may be of length 2 or 3. A length of 2 corresponds to tuple[0] == *number of multiplications*, tuple[1] is the axis. A length of 3 corresponds to each of the directions. An optional string may be used to specify the `tile` or `repeat` function. The default is the `tile` function. Examples -------- >>> geometry = Geometry([0.] * 3, lattice=[1.5, 3, 4]) >>> geometry * 2 == geometry.tile(2, 0).tile(2, 1).tile(2, 2) True >>> geometry * [2, 1, 2] == geometry.tile(2, 0).tile(2, 2) True >>> geometry * [2, 2] == geometry.tile(2, 2) True >>> geometry * ([2, 1, 2], 'repeat') == geometry.repeat(2, 0).repeat(2, 2) True >>> geometry * ([2, 1, 2], 'r') == geometry.repeat(2, 0).repeat(2, 2) True >>> geometry * ([2, 0], 'r') == geometry.repeat(2, 0) True >>> geometry * ([2, 2], 'r') == geometry.repeat(2, 2) True See Also -------- tile : specific method to enlarge the geometry repeat : specific method to enlarge the geometry """ # Simple form if isinstance(m, Integral): return self * [m, m, m] # Error in argument, fall-back if len(m) == 1: return self * m[0] # Look-up table method_tbl = {"r": "repeat", "repeat": "repeat", "t": "tile", "tile": "tile"} # Determine the type if len(m) == 2: # either # (r, axis) # ((...), method if isinstance(m[1], str): method = method_tbl[m[1]] m = m[0] g = self if len(m) == 1: # r m = m[0] for i in range(3): g = getattr(g, method)(m, i) elif len(m) == 2: # (r, axis) g = getattr(g, method)(m[0], m[1]) elif len(m) == 3: # (r, r, r) for i in range(3): g = getattr(g, method)(m[i], i) else: raise ValueError(f"Multiplying a geometry got an unexpected value: {m}") return g def __rmul__(self, m) -> Geometry: """Default to repeating the atomic structure""" return self.__mul__(m, "repeat")
[docs] def angle( self, atoms: AtomsIndex, dir: Union[str, int, Sequence[int]] = (1.0, 0, 0), ref: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[float]]] = None, rad: bool = False, ) -> Union[float, ndarray]: r"""The angle between atom `atoms` and the direction `dir`, with possibility of a reference coordinate `ref` The calculated angle can be written as this .. math:: \theta = \arccos \frac{(\mathbf r^I - \mathbf{r^{\mathrm{ref}}})\cdot \mathbf{d}} {|\mathbf r^I-\mathbf{r^{\mathrm{ref}}}||\mathbf{d}|} and thus lies in the interval :math:`[0 ; \pi]` as one cannot distinguish orientation without additional vectors. Parameters ---------- atoms : indices/boolean of all atoms where angles should be calculated on dir : the direction from which the angle is calculated from, default to ``x``. An integer specifies the corresponding lattice vector as the direction. ref : the reference point from which the vectors are drawn, default to origin An integer specifies an atomic index. rad : whether the returned value is in radians """ xi = self.axyz(atoms) if isinstance(dir, (str, Integral)): dir = direction(dir, abc=self.cell, xyz=np.diag([1] * 3)) else: dir = _a.asarrayd(dir) # Normalize so we don't have to have this in the # below formula dir = dir / fnorm(dir) if ref is None: pass elif isinstance(ref, Integral): xi -= self.axyz(ref)[None, :] else: xi -= _a.asarrayd(ref)[None, :] nx = sqrt(square(xi).sum(1)) ang = np.zeros_like(nx) idx = (nx > 1e-6).nonzero()[0] ang[idx] = np.arccos(xi[idx] @ dir / nx[idx]) if rad: return ang return np.degrees(ang)
[docs] def rotate_miller(self, m, v) -> Geometry: """Align Miller direction along ``v`` Rotate geometry and cell such that the Miller direction points along the Cartesian vector ``v``. """ # Create normal vector to miller direction and cartesian # direction cp = _a.arrayd( [ m[1] * v[2] - m[2] * v[1], m[2] * v[0] - m[0] * v[2], m[0] * v[1] - m[1] * v[0], ] ) cp /= fnorm(cp) lm = _a.arrayd(m) lm /= fnorm(lm) lv = _a.arrayd(v) lv /= fnorm(lv) # Now rotate the angle between them a = acos(np.sum(lm * lv)) return self.rotate(a, cp, rad=True)
[docs] def translate2uc( self, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, axes: Optional[Union[int, bool, Sequence[int]]] = None, ) -> Geometry: """Translates atoms in the geometry into the unit cell One can translate a subset of the atoms or axes by appropriate arguments. Warning ------- When coordinates are lying on one of the edges, they may move to the other side of the unit-cell due to small rounding errors. In such situations you are encouraged to shift all coordinates by a small amount to remove numerical errors, in the following case we have atomic coordinates lying close to the lower side of each lattice vector. >>> geometry.translate(1e-8).translate2uc().translate(-1e-8) Notes ----- By default only the periodic axes will be translated to the UC. If translation is required for all axes, supply them directly. Parameters ---------- atoms : only translate the given atomic indices, if not specified, all atoms will be translated axes : only translate certain lattice directions, `None` specifies only the directions with supercells, `True` specifies all directions. """ if axes is None: axes = (self.lattice.nsc > 1).nonzero()[0] elif isinstance(axes, bool): if axes: axes = (0, 1, 2) else: raise ValueError( "translate2uc with a bool argument can only be True to signal all axes" ) fxyz = self.fxyz # move to unit-cell fxyz[:, axes] %= 1 g = self.copy() # convert back if atoms is None:[:, :] = fxyz @ self.cell else: idx = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms).ravel()[idx] = fxyz[idx] @ self.cell return g
[docs] def add_vacuum( self, vacuum: float, axis: int, offset: Sequence[float] = (0, 0, 0) ) -> Geometry: """Add vacuum along the `axis` lattice vector When the vacuum is bigger than the maximum orbital ranges the number of supercells along that axis will be truncated to 1 (de-couple images). Parameters ---------- vacuum : amount of vacuum added, in Ang axis : the lattice vector to add vacuum along offset : offset in geometry when adding the vacuum. Returns ------- Geometry : a new geometry with added vacuum """ new = self.copy() += _a.arrayd(offset) new.set_lattice(self.lattice.add_vacuum(vacuum, axis)) if vacuum > self.maxR() + 0.001: # only overwrite along axis nsc = [None for _ in range(3)] nsc[axis] = 1 new.lattice.set_nsc(nsc) return new
def __add__(self, b) -> Geometry: """Merge two geometries (or geometry and supercell) Parameters ---------- self, b : Geometry or Lattice or tuple or list when adding a Geometry with a Geometry it defaults to using `add` function with the LHS retaining the cell-vectors. a tuple/list may be of length 2 with the first element being a Geometry and the second being an integer specifying the lattice vector where it is appended. One may also use a `Lattice` instead of a `Geometry` which behaves similarly. Examples -------- >>> A + B == A.add(B) >>> A + (B, 1) == A.append(B, 1) >>> A + (B, 2) == A.append(B, 2) >>> (A, 1) + B == A.append(B, 1) See Also -------- add : add geometries append : appending geometries prepend : prending geometries """ if isinstance(b, (Lattice, Geometry)): return self.add(b) return self.append(b[0], b[1]) def __radd__(self, b) -> Geometry: """Merge two geometries (or geometry and supercell) Parameters ---------- self, b : Geometry or Lattice or tuple or list when adding a Geometry with a Geometry it defaults to using `add` function with the LHS retaining the cell-vectors. a tuple/list may be of length 2 with the first element being a Geometry and the second being an integer specifying the lattice vector where it is appended. One may also use a `Lattice` instead of a `Geometry` which behaves similarly. Examples -------- >>> A + B == A.add(B) >>> A + (B, 1) == A.append(B, 1) >>> A + (B, 2) == A.append(B, 2) >>> (A, 1) + B == A.append(B, 1) See Also -------- add : add geometries append : appending geometries prepend : prending geometries """ if isinstance(b, (Lattice, Geometry)): return b.add(self) return self + b
[docs] def attach( self, atom: int, other: GeometryLike, other_atom: int, dist="calc", axis: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Geometry: """Attaches another `Geometry` at the `atom` index with respect to `other_atom` using different methods. The attached geometry will be inserted at the end of the geometry via `add`. Parameters ---------- atom : int atomic index which is the base position of the attachment. The distance between `atom` and `other_atom` is `dist`. other : Geometry the other Geometry to attach at the given point. In this case `dist` from `atom`. other_atom : int the index of the atom in `other` that is inserted at `atom`. dist : array_like or float or str, optional the distance (in `Ang`) between the attached coordinates. If `dist` is `array_like` it should be the vector between the atoms; if `dist` is `float` the argument `axis` is required and the vector will be calculated along the corresponding latticevector; else if `dist` is `str` this will correspond to the `method` argument of the `Atom.radius` class of the two atoms. Here `axis` is also required. axis : int specify the direction of the lattice vectors used. Not used if `dist` is an array-like argument. """ other = if isinstance(dist, Real): # We have a single rational number if axis is None: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.attach, `axis` has not been specified, please specify the axis when using a distance" ) # Now calculate the vector that we should have # between the atoms v = self.cell[axis, :] v = v / (v @ v) ** 0.5 * dist elif isinstance(dist, str): # We have a single rational number if axis is None: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.attach, `axis` has not been specified, please specify the axis when using a distance" ) # This is the empirical distance between the atoms d = self.atoms[atom].radius(dist) + other.atoms[other_atom].radius(dist) if isinstance(axis, Integral): v = self.cell[axis, :] else: v = np.array(axis) v = v / (v @ v) ** 0.5 * d else: # The user *must* have supplied a vector v = np.array(dist) # Now create a copy of the other geometry # so that we move it... # Translate to origin, then back to position in new cell o = other.translate([other_atom] +[atom] + v) # We do not know how to handle the lattice-vectors, # so we will do nothing... return self.add(o)
[docs] def replace( self, atoms: AtomsIndex, other: GeometryLike, offset: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ) -> Geometry: """Create a new geometry from `self` and replace `atoms` with `other` Parameters ---------- atoms : atoms in `self` to be removed and replaced by other `other` will be placed in the geometry at the lowest index of `atoms` other : the other Geometry to insert instead, the unit-cell will not be used. offset : the offset for `other` when adding its coordinates, default to no offset """ # Find lowest value in atoms atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms) index = atoms.min() if offset is None: offset = _a.zerosd(3) # remove atoms, preparing for inserting new geometry out = self.remove(atoms) other = # insert new positions etc. = np.insert(, index, + offset, axis=0) out._atoms = out.atoms.insert(index, other.atoms) return out
[docs] def reverse(self, atoms: AtomsIndex = None) -> Geometry: """Returns a reversed geometry Also enables reversing a subset of the atoms. Parameters ---------- atoms : only reverse the given atomic indices, if not specified, all atoms will be reversed """ if atoms is None: xyz =[::-1, :] else: atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms).ravel() xyz = np.copy( xyz[atoms, :] =[atoms[::-1], :] return self.__class__( xyz, atoms=self.atoms.reverse(atoms), lattice=self.lattice.copy() )
[docs] def mirror( self, method, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, point: Sequence[float] = (0, 0, 0), ) -> Geometry: r"""Mirrors the atomic coordinates about a plane given by its normal vector This will typically move the atomic coordinates outside of the unit-cell. This method should be used with care. Parameters ---------- method : {'xy'/'z', ..., 'ab', ..., v} mirror the structure about a Cartesian direction (``x``, ``y``, ``z``), plane (``xy``, ``xz``, ``yz``) or about user defined vectors (``v``). A vector may also be specified by ``'ab'`` which is the vector normal to the plane spanned by the first and second lattice vector. or user defined vector (`v`) which is defining a plane. atoms : only mirror a subset of atoms point: mirror coordinates around the plane that intersects the *method* vector and this point Examples -------- >>> geom = geom.graphene() >>> out = geom.mirror('x') >>>[:, 0] [0. -1.42] >>> out = geom.mirror('x', point=(1.42/2, 0, 0)) >>>[:, 0] [1.42 0.] """ atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms) point = _a.asarrayd(point) if isinstance(method, str): method = "".join(sorted(method.lower())) if method in ("z", "xy"): method = _a.arrayd([0, 0, 1]) elif method in ("x", "yz"): method = _a.arrayd([1, 0, 0]) elif method in ("y", "xz"): method = _a.arrayd([0, 1, 0]) elif method == "a": method = self.cell[0] elif method == "b": method = self.cell[1] elif method == "c": method = self.cell[2] elif method == "ab": method = cross3(self.cell[0], self.cell[1]) elif method == "ac": method = cross3(self.cell[0], self.cell[2]) elif method == "bc": method = cross3(self.cell[1], self.cell[2]) else: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.mirror unrecognized 'method' value" ) # it has to be an array of length 3 # Mirror about a user defined vector method = _a.asarrayd(method).copy() method /= fnorm(method) # project onto vector vp = ([atoms, :] - point).dot(method) * 2 # convert coordinates # first subtract the projection, then its mirror position g = self.copy()[atoms, :] -= vp.reshape(-1, 1) * method.reshape(1, 3) return g
[docs] def axyz(self, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, isc=None) -> ndarray: """Return the atomic coordinates in the supercell of a given atom. The ``Geometry[...]`` slicing is calling this function with appropriate options. Parameters ---------- atoms : atom(s) from which we should return the coordinates, the atomic indices may be in supercell format. isc : array_like, optional Returns the atomic coordinates shifted according to the integer parts of the cell. Defaults to the unit-cell Examples -------- >>> geom = Geometry([[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0]], lattice=1.) >>> print(geom.axyz(isc=[1,0,0])) [[1. 0. 0. ] [1.5 0. 0. ]] >>> geom = Geometry([[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0]], lattice=1.) >>> print(geom.axyz(0)) [0. 0. 0.] """ if atoms is None and isc is None: return atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms) # If only atoms has been specified if isc is None: # get offsets from atomic indices (note that this will be per atom) isc = self.a2isc(atoms) offset = self.lattice.offset(isc) return[self.sc2uc(atoms)] + offset # Neither of atoms, or isc are `None`, we add the offset to all coordinates return self.axyz(atoms) + self.lattice.offset(isc)
[docs] def within_sc( self, shapes, isc=None, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, atoms_xyz=None, ret_xyz: bool = False, ret_rij: bool = False, ): """Indices of atoms in a given supercell within a given shape from a given coordinate This returns a set of atomic indices which are within a sphere of radius ``R``. If R is a tuple/list/array it will return the indices: in the ranges: >>> ( x <= R[0] , R[0] < x <= R[1], R[1] < x <= R[2] ) Parameters ---------- shapes : Shape or list of Shape A list of increasing shapes that define the extend of the geometric volume that is searched. It is vital that:: shapes[0] in shapes[1] in shapes[2] ... isc : array_like, optional The super-cell which the coordinates are checked in. Defaults to ``[0, 0, 0]`` atoms : List of atoms that will be considered. This can be used to only take out a certain atoms. atoms_xyz : array_like, optional The atomic coordinates of the equivalent `idx` variable (`idx` must also be passed) ret_xyz : If True this method will return the coordinates for each of the couplings. ret_rij : If True this method will return the distance to the center of the shapes Returns ------- index indices of atoms (in supercell indices) within the shape xyz atomic coordinates of the indexed atoms (only for true `ret_xyz`) rij distance of the indexed atoms to the center of the shape (only for true `ret_rij`) """ # Ensure that `shapes` is a list if isinstance(shapes, Shape): shapes = [shapes] nshapes = len(shapes) # Convert to actual array if atoms is not None: atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms) else: # If idx is None, then idx_xyz cannot be used! # So we force it to None atoms_xyz = None # Get shape centers off = shapes[-1].center[:] # Get the supercell offset soff = self.lattice.offset(isc)[:] # Get atomic coordinate in principal cell if atoms_xyz is None: xa = self[atoms, :] + soff[None, :] else: # For extremely large systems re-using the # idx_xyz is faster than indexing # a very large array # However, this idx_xyz should not # be offset by any supercell xa = atoms_xyz[:, :] + soff[None, :] # Get indices and coordinates of the largest shape # The largest part of the calculation are to calculate # the content in the largest shape. ix = shapes[-1].within_index(xa) # Reduce search space xa = xa[ix, :] if atoms is None: # This is because of the pre-check of the distance checks atoms = ix else: atoms = atoms[ix] if len(xa) == 0: # Quick return if there are no entries... ret = [[np.empty([0], np.int32)] * nshapes] if ret_xyz: ret.append([np.empty([0, 3], np.float64)] * nshapes) if ret_rij: ret.append([np.empty([0], np.float64)] * nshapes) if nshapes == 1: if ret_xyz and ret_rij: return [ret[0][0], ret[1][0], ret[2][0]] elif ret_xyz or ret_rij: return [ret[0][0], ret[1][0]] return ret[0][0] if ret_xyz or ret_rij: return ret return ret[0] # Calculate distance if ret_rij: d = sqrt(square(xa - off[None, :]).sum(1)) # Create the initial lists that we will build up # Then finally, we will return the reversed lists # Quick return if nshapes == 1: ret = [[atoms]] if ret_xyz: ret.append([xa]) if ret_rij: ret.append([d]) if ret_xyz or ret_rij: return ret return ret[0] # TODO Check that all shapes coincide with the following shapes # Now we create a list of indices which coincide # in each of the shapes # Do a reduction on each of the list elements ixS = [] cum = np.array([], atoms.dtype) for i, s in enumerate(shapes): x = s.within_index(xa) if i > 0: x = np.setdiff1d(x, cum, assume_unique=True) # Update elements to remove in next loop cum = np.append(cum, x) ixS.append(x) # Do for the first shape ret = [[_a.asarrayi(atoms[ixS[0]]).ravel()]] rc = 0 if ret_xyz: rc = rc + 1 ret.append([xa[ixS[0], :]]) if ret_rij: rd = rc + 1 ret.append([d[ixS[0]]]) for i in range(1, nshapes): ret[0].append(_a.asarrayi(atoms[ixS[i]]).ravel()) if ret_xyz: ret[rc].append(xa[ixS[i], :]) if ret_rij: ret[rd].append(d[ixS[i]]) if ret_xyz or ret_rij: return ret return ret[0]
[docs] def close_sc( self, xyz_ia, isc=(0, 0, 0), R=None, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, atoms_xyz=None, ret_xyz=False, ret_rij=False, ): """Indices of atoms in a given supercell within a given radius from a given coordinate This returns a set of atomic indices which are within a sphere of radius `R`. If `R` is a tuple/list/array it will return the indices: in the ranges: >>> ( x <= R[0] , R[0] < x <= R[1], R[1] < x <= R[2] ) Parameters ---------- xyz_ia : array_like of floats or int Either a point in space or an index of an atom. If an index is passed it is the equivalent of passing the atomic coordinate ``close_sc([xyz_ia,:])``. isc : (3,), optional Integer super-cell offsets in which the coordinates are checked in. I.e. ``isc=[0, 0, 0]`` is the primary cell (default). R : float or array_like, optional The radii parameter to where the atomic connections are found. If `R` is an array it will return the indices: in the ranges ``( x <= R[0] , R[0] < x <= R[1], R[1] < x <= R[2] )``. If a single float it will return ``x <= R``. atoms : List of atoms that will be considered. This can be used to only take out a certain atom. atoms_xyz : array_like of float, optional The atomic coordinates of the equivalent `atoms` variable (`atoms` must also be passed) ret_xyz : If True this method will return the coordinates for each of the couplings. ret_rij : If True this method will return the distance for each of the couplings. Returns ------- index indices of atoms (in supercell indices) within the shells of radius `R` xyz atomic coordinates of the indexed atoms (only for true `ret_xyz`) rij distance of the indexed atoms to the center coordinate (only for true `ret_rij`) """ maxR = self.maxR() + 0.001 if R is None: R = np.array([maxR], np.float64) elif not isndarray(R): R = _a.asarrayd(R).ravel() # Maximum distance queried max_R = R[-1] if atoms is not None and max_R > maxR + 0.1: warn( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.close_sc has been passed an 'atoms' argument " "together with an R value larger than the orbital ranges. " "If used together with 'sparse-matrix.construct' this can result in wrong couplings.", register=True, ) # Convert to actual array if atoms is not None: atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms).ravel() else: # If atoms is None, then atoms_xyz cannot be used! atoms_xyz = None if isinstance(xyz_ia, Integral): off =[xyz_ia] elif not isndarray(xyz_ia): off = _a.asarrayd(xyz_ia) elif xyz_ia.ndim == 0: off =[xyz_ia] else: off = xyz_ia # Calculate the complete offset foff = self.lattice.offset(isc) - off # Get distances between `xyz_ia` and `atoms` if atoms_xyz is None: dxa = self.axyz(atoms) + foff else: # For extremely large systems re-using the # atoms_xyz is faster than indexing # a very large array dxa = atoms_xyz + foff # Immediately downscale by easy checking # This will reduce the computation of the vector-norm # which is the main culprit of the time-consumption # This abstraction will _only_ help very large # systems. # For smaller ones this will actually be a slower # method.. if atoms is None: atoms, d = indices_in_sphere_with_dist(dxa, max_R) dxa = dxa[atoms].reshape(-1, 3) else: ix, d = indices_in_sphere_with_dist(dxa, max_R) atoms = atoms[ix] dxa = dxa[ix].reshape(-1, 3) del ix if len(atoms) == 0: # Create default return ret = [[_a.emptyi([0]) for _ in R]] if ret_xyz: ret.append([_a.emptyd([0, 3]) for _ in R]) if ret_rij: ret.append([_a.emptyd([0]) for _ in R]) # Quick return if there are # no entries... if len(R) == 1: if ret_xyz and ret_rij: return [ret[0][0], ret[1][0], ret[2][0]] elif ret_xyz or ret_rij: return [ret[0][0], ret[1][0]] return ret[0][0] if ret_xyz or ret_rij: return ret return ret[0] if ret_xyz: xa = dxa + off del dxa # just because this array could be very big... # Check whether we only have one range to check. # If so, we need not reduce the index space if len(R) == 1: ret = [atoms] if ret_xyz: ret.append(xa) if ret_rij: ret.append(d) if ret_xyz or ret_rij: return ret return ret[0] if not is_ascending(R): raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.close_sc proximity checks for several " "quantities at a time requires ascending R values." ) # The more neigbours you wish to find the faster this becomes # We only do "one" heavy duty search, # then we immediately reduce search space to this subspace tidx = indices_le(d, R[0]) ret = [[atoms[tidx]]] r_app = ret[0].append if ret_xyz: ret.append([xa[tidx]]) r_appx = ret[1].append if ret_rij: ret.append([d[tidx]]) r_appd = ret[-1].append if ret_xyz and ret_rij: for i in range(1, len(R)): # Search in the sub-space # Notice that this sub-space reduction will never # allow the same indice to be in two ranges (due to # numerics) tidx = indices_gt_le(d, R[i - 1], R[i]) r_app(atoms[tidx]) r_appx(xa[tidx]) r_appd(d[tidx]) elif ret_xyz: for i in range(1, len(R)): tidx = indices_gt_le(d, R[i - 1], R[i]) r_app(atoms[tidx]) r_appx(xa[tidx]) elif ret_rij: for i in range(1, len(R)): tidx = indices_gt_le(d, R[i - 1], R[i]) r_app(atoms[tidx]) r_appd(d[tidx]) else: for i in range(1, len(R)): tidx = indices_gt_le(d, R[i - 1], R[i]) r_app(atoms[tidx]) if ret_xyz or ret_rij: return ret return ret[0]
[docs] def bond_correct( self, ia: int, atoms: AtomsIndex, method: Union[str, float] = "calc" ) -> None: """Corrects the bond between `ia` and the `atoms`. Corrects the bond-length between atom `ia` and `atoms` in such a way that the atomic radius is preserved. I.e. the sum of the bond-lengths minimizes the distance matrix. Only atom `ia` is moved. Parameters ---------- ia : The atom to be displaced according to the atomic radius atoms : The atom(s) from which the radius should be reduced. method : If str will use that as lookup in `Atom.radius`. Else it will be the new bond-length. """ # Decide which algorithm to choose from atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms).ravel() if len(atoms) == 1: algo = atoms[0] else: # signal a list of atoms algo = -1 if algo >= 0: # We have a single atom # Get bond length in the closest direction # A bond-length HAS to be below 10 atoms, c, d = self.close( ia, R=(0.1, 10.0), atoms=algo, ret_xyz=True, ret_rij=True ) i = np.argmin(d[1]) # Convert to unitcell atom (and get the one atom) atoms = self.sc2uc(atoms[1][i]) c = c[1][i] d = d[1][i] # Calculate the bond vector bv =[ia, :] - c try: # If it is a number, we use that. rad = float(method) except Exception: # get radius rad = self.atoms[atoms].radius(method) + self.atoms[ia].radius(method) # Update the coordinate[ia, :] = c + bv / d * rad else: raise NotImplementedError( "Changing bond-length dependent on several lacks implementation." )
[docs] def within( self, shapes, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, atoms_xyz=None, ret_xyz: bool = False, ret_rij: bool = False, ret_isc: bool = False, ): """Indices of atoms in the entire supercell within a given shape from a given coordinate This heavily relies on the `within_sc` method. Note that if a connection is made in a neighboring super-cell then the atomic index is shifted by the super-cell index times number of atoms. This allows one to decipher super-cell atoms from unit-cell atoms. Parameters ---------- shapes : Shape, list of Shape atoms : List of indices for atoms that are to be considered atoms_xyz : array_like, optional The atomic coordinates of the equivalent `atoms` variable (`atoms` must also be passed) ret_xyz : If true this method will return the coordinates for each of the couplings. ret_rij : If true this method will return the distances from the `xyz_ia` for each of the couplings. ret_isc : If true this method will return the supercell offsets for each of the couplings. Returns ------- index indices of atoms (in supercell indices) within the shape xyz atomic coordinates of the indexed atoms (only for true `ret_xyz`) rij distance of the indexed atoms to the center of the shape (only for true `ret_rij`) isc supercell indices of the couplings (only for true `ret_isc`) """ # Ensure that `shapes` is a list if isinstance(shapes, Shape): shapes = [shapes] nshapes = len(shapes) ret = [[np.empty([0], np.int32)] * nshapes] i = 0 if ret_xyz: ixyz = i + 1 i += 1 ret.append([np.empty([0, 3], np.float64)] * nshapes) if ret_rij: irij = i + 1 i += 1 ret.append([np.empty([0], np.float64)] * nshapes) if ret_isc: iisc = i + 1 i += 1 ret.append([np.empty([0, 3], np.int32)] * nshapes) # number of special returns n_ret = i listify = n_ret == 0 or (n_ret == 1 and ret_isc) def isc_tile(isc, n): return tile(isc.reshape(1, -1), (n, 1)) for s in range(self.n_s): na = * s isc = self.lattice.sc_off[s, :] sret = self.within_sc( shapes, self.lattice.sc_off[s, :], atoms=atoms, atoms_xyz=atoms_xyz, ret_xyz=ret_xyz, ret_rij=ret_rij, ) if listify: # This is to "fake" the return # of a list (we will do indexing!) sret = [sret] if isinstance(sret[0], list): # we have a list of arrays (nshapes > 1) for i, x in enumerate(sret[0]): ret[0][i] = concatenate((ret[0][i], x + na), axis=0) if ret_xyz: ret[ixyz][i] = concatenate( (ret[ixyz][i], sret[ixyz][i]), axis=0 ) if ret_rij: ret[irij][i] = concatenate( (ret[irij][i], sret[irij][i]), axis=0 ) if ret_isc: ret[iisc][i] = concatenate( (ret[iisc][i], isc_tile(isc, len(x))), axis=0 ) elif len(sret[0]) > 0: # We can add it to the list (nshapes == 1) # We add the atomic offset for the supercell index ret[0][0] = concatenate((ret[0][0], sret[0] + na), axis=0) if ret_xyz: ret[ixyz][0] = concatenate((ret[ixyz][0], sret[ixyz]), axis=0) if ret_rij: ret[irij][0] = concatenate((ret[irij][0], sret[irij]), axis=0) if ret_isc: ret[iisc][0] = concatenate( (ret[iisc][0], isc_tile(isc, len(sret[0]))), axis=0 ) if nshapes == 1: if n_ret == 0: return ret[0][0] return tuple(ret[i][0] for i in range(n_ret + 1)) if n_ret == 0: return ret[0] return ret
[docs] def close( self, xyz_ia, R=None, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, atoms_xyz=None, ret_xyz: bool = False, ret_rij: bool = False, ret_isc: bool = False, ): """Indices of atoms in the entire supercell within a given radius from a given coordinate This heavily relies on the `close_sc` method. Note that if a connection is made in a neighboring super-cell then the atomic index is shifted by the super-cell index times number of atoms. This allows one to decipher super-cell atoms from unit-cell atoms. Parameters ---------- xyz_ia : coordinate/index Either a point in space or an index of an atom. If an index is passed it is the equivalent of passing the atomic coordinate ``close_sc([xyz_ia,:])``. R : (None), float/tuple of float The radii parameter to where the atomic connections are found. If `R` is an array it will return the indices: in the ranges: >>> ( x <= R[0] , R[0] < x <= R[1], R[1] < x <= R[2] ) If a single float it will return: >>> x <= R atoms : List of indices for atoms that are to be considered atoms_xyz : array_like, optional The atomic coordinates of the equivalent `atoms` variable (`atoms` must also be passed) ret_xyz : If true this method will return the coordinates for each of the couplings. ret_rij : If true this method will return the distances from the `xyz_ia` for each of the couplings. ret_isc : If true this method will return the lattice offset from `xyz_ia` for each of the couplings. Returns ------- index indices of atoms (in supercell indices) within the shells of radius `R` xyz atomic coordinates of the indexed atoms (only for true `ret_xyz`) rij distance of the indexed atoms to the center coordinate (only for true `ret_rij`) isc integer lattice offsets for the couplings (related to `rij` without atomic coordinates) """ if R is None: R = self.maxR() + 0.001 R = _a.asarrayd(R).ravel() nR = R.size # Convert index coordinate to point if isinstance(xyz_ia, Integral): xyz_ia =[xyz_ia] elif not isndarray(xyz_ia): xyz_ia = _a.asarrayd(xyz_ia) ret = [[np.empty([0], np.int32)] * nR] i = 0 if ret_xyz: ixyz = i + 1 i += 1 ret.append([np.empty([0, 3], np.float64)] * nR) if ret_rij: irij = i + 1 i += 1 ret.append([np.empty([0], np.float64)] * nR) if ret_isc: iisc = i + 1 i += 1 ret.append([np.empty([0, 3], np.int32)] * nR) # number of special returns n_ret = i listify = n_ret == 0 or (n_ret == 1 and ret_isc) def isc_tile(isc, n): return tile(isc.reshape(1, -1), (n, 1)) for s in range(self.n_s): na = * s isc = self.lattice.sc_off[s] sret = self.close_sc( xyz_ia, isc, R=R, atoms=atoms, atoms_xyz=atoms_xyz, ret_xyz=ret_xyz, ret_rij=ret_rij, ) if listify: # This is to "fake" the return # of a list (we will do indexing!) sret = [sret] if isinstance(sret[0], list): # we have a list of arrays (len(R) > 1) for i, x in enumerate(sret[0]): ret[0][i] = concatenate((ret[0][i], x + na), axis=0) if ret_xyz: ret[ixyz][i] = concatenate( (ret[ixyz][i], sret[ixyz][i]), axis=0 ) if ret_rij: ret[irij][i] = concatenate( (ret[irij][i], sret[irij][i]), axis=0 ) if ret_isc: ret[iisc][i] = concatenate( (ret[iisc][i], isc_tile(isc, len(x))), axis=0 ) elif len(sret[0]) > 0: # We can add it to the list (len(R) == 1) # We add the atomic offset for the supercell index ret[0][0] = concatenate((ret[0][0], sret[0] + na), axis=0) if ret_xyz: ret[ixyz][0] = concatenate((ret[ixyz][0], sret[ixyz]), axis=0) if ret_rij: ret[irij][0] = concatenate((ret[irij][0], sret[irij]), axis=0) if ret_isc: ret[iisc][0] = concatenate( (ret[iisc][0], isc_tile(isc, len(sret[0]))), axis=0 ) if nR == 1: if n_ret == 0: return ret[0][0] return tuple(ret[i][0] for i in range(n_ret + 1)) if n_ret == 0: return ret[0] return ret
[docs] def a2transpose( self, atoms1: AtomsIndex, atoms2: AtomsIndex = None ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """Transposes connections from `atoms1` to `atoms2` such that supercell connections are transposed When handling supercell indices it is useful to get the *transposed* connection. I.e. if you have a connection from site ``i`` (in unit cell indices) to site ``j`` (in supercell indices) it may be useful to get the equivalent supercell connection such for site ``j`` (in unit cell indices) to site ``i`` (in supercell indices) such that they correspond to the transposed coupling. Note that since this transposes couplings the indices returned are always expanded to the full length if either of the inputs are a single index. Examples -------- >>> gr = geom.graphene() >>> atoms = gr.close(0, 1.5) >>> atoms array([0, 1, 5, 9], dtype=int32) >>> gr.a2transpose(0, atoms) (array([0, 1, 1, 1], dtype=int32), array([ 0, 0, 14, 10], dtype=int32)) Parameters ---------- atoms1 : atomic indices must have same length as `atoms2` or length 1 atoms2 : atomic indices must have same length as `atoms1` or length 1. If not present then only `atoms1` will be returned in transposed indices. Returns ------- atoms2 : array_like transposed indices for atoms2 (only returned if `atoms2` is not None) atoms1 : array_like transposed indices for atoms1 """ # First check whether they have the same size, if so then do not pre-process atoms1 = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms1) if atoms2 is None: # we only need to transpose atoms1 offset = self.lattice.sc_index(-self.a2isc(atoms1)) * return atoms1 % + offset atoms2 = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms2) if atoms1.size == atoms2.size: pass elif atoms1.size == 1: # typical case where atoms1 is a single number atoms1 = np.tile(atoms1, atoms2.size) elif atoms2.size == 1: atoms2 = np.tile(atoms2, atoms1.size) else: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.a2transpose only allows length 1 or same length arrays." ) # Now convert atoms na = sc_index = self.lattice.sc_index isc1 = self.a2isc(atoms1) isc2 = self.a2isc(atoms2) atoms1 = atoms1 % na + sc_index(-isc2) * na atoms2 = atoms2 % na + sc_index(-isc1) * na return atoms2, atoms1
[docs] def o2transpose( self, orb1: OrbitalsIndex, orb2: Optional[OrbitalsIndex] = None ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """Transposes connections from `orb1` to `orb2` such that supercell connections are transposed When handling supercell indices it is useful to get the *transposed* connection. I.e. if you have a connection from site ``i`` (in unit cell indices) to site ``J`` (in supercell indices) it may be useful to get the equivalent supercell connection such for site ``j`` (in unit cell indices) to site ``I`` (in supercell indices) such that they correspond to the transposed coupling. Note that since this transposes couplings the indices returned are always expanded to the full length if either of the inputs are a single index. Examples -------- >>> gr = geom.graphene() # one orbital per site >>> atoms = gr.close(0, 1.5) >>> atoms array([0, 1, 5, 9], dtype=int32) >>> gr.o2transpose(0, atoms) (array([0, 1, 1, 1], dtype=int32), array([ 0, 0, 14, 10], dtype=int32)) Parameters ---------- orb1 : orbital indices must have same length as `orb2` or length 1 orb2 : orbital indices must have same length as `orb1` or length 1. If not present then only `orb1` will be returned in transposed indices. Returns ------- orb2 : array_like transposed indices for orb2 (only returned if `orb2` is not None) orb1 : array_like transposed indices for orb1 """ # First check whether they have the same size, if so then do not pre-process orb1 = self._sanitize_orbs(orb1) if orb2 is None: # we only need to transpose orb1 offset = self.lattice.sc_index(-self.o2isc(orb1)) * return orb1 % + offset orb2 = self._sanitize_orbs(orb2) if orb1.size == orb2.size: pass elif orb1.size == 1: # typical case where orb1 is a single number orb1 = np.tile(orb1, orb2.size) elif orb2.size == 1: orb2 = np.tile(orb2, orb1.size) else: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.o2transpose only allows length 1 or same length arrays." ) # Now convert orbs no = sc_index = self.lattice.sc_index isc1 = self.o2isc(orb1) isc2 = self.o2isc(orb2) orb1 = orb1 % no + sc_index(-isc2) * no orb2 = orb2 % no + sc_index(-isc1) * no return orb2, orb1
[docs] def a2o(self, atoms: AtomsIndex, all: bool = False) -> ndarray: """ Returns an orbital index of the first orbital of said atom. This is particularly handy if you want to create TB models with more than one orbital per atom. Note that this will preserve the super-cell offsets. Parameters ---------- atoms : Atomic indices all : ``False``, return only the first orbital corresponding to the atom, ``True``, returns list of the full atom(s), will always return a 1D array. """ # we must not alter `atoms` as it may come from outside off, atoms = np.divmod(self._sanitize_atoms(atoms), is_integral = isinstance(atoms, Integral) off *= if not all: return self.firsto[atoms] + off ob = (self.firsto[atoms] + off).ravel() oe = (self.lasto[atoms] + off + 1).ravel() # Create ranges if is_integral: return _a.arangei(ob, oe) return _a.array_arange(ob, oe)
[docs] def o2a(self, orbitals: OrbitalsIndex, unique: bool = False) -> ndarray: """Atomic index corresponding to the orbital indicies. Note that this will preserve the super-cell offsets. Parameters ---------- orbitals : List of orbital indices to return the atoms for unique : If True only return the unique atoms. """ orbitals = self._sanitize_orbs(orbitals) if orbitals.ndim == 0: # must only be 1 number (an Integral) return ( np.argmax(orbitals % <= self.lasto) + (orbitals // * ) isc, orbitals = np.divmod(_a.asarrayi(orbitals.ravel()), a = list_index_le(orbitals, self.lasto) if unique: return np.unique(a + isc * return a + isc *
[docs] def uc2sc(self, atoms: AtomsIndex, unique: bool = False) -> ndarray: """Returns atom from unit-cell indices to supercell indices, possibly removing dublicates Parameters ---------- atoms : the atomic unit-cell indices to be converted to supercell indices unique : If True the returned indices are unique and sorted. """ atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms) % atoms = ( atoms.reshape(1, -1) + _a.arangei(self.n_s).reshape(-1, 1) * ).ravel() if unique: return np.unique(atoms) return atoms
auc2sc = uc2sc
[docs] def sc2uc(self, atoms: AtomsIndex, unique: bool = False) -> ndarray: """Returns atoms from supercell indices to unit-cell indices, possibly removing dublicates Parameters ---------- atoms : the atomic supercell indices to be converted to unit-cell indices unique : If True the returned indices are unique and sorted. """ atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms) % if unique: return np.unique(atoms) return atoms
asc2uc = sc2uc
[docs] def osc2uc(self, orbitals: OrbitalsIndex, unique: bool = False) -> ndarray: """Orbitals from supercell indices to unit-cell indices, possibly removing dublicates Parameters ---------- orbitals : the orbital supercell indices to be converted to unit-cell indices unique : If True the returned indices are unique and sorted. """ orbitals = self._sanitize_orbs(orbitals) % if unique: return np.unique(orbitals) return orbitals
[docs] def ouc2sc(self, orbitals: OrbitalsIndex, unique: bool = False) -> ndarray: """Orbitals from unit-cell indices to supercell indices, possibly removing dublicates Parameters ---------- orbitals : the orbital unit-cell indices to be converted to supercell indices unique : If True the returned indices are unique and sorted. """ orbitals = self._sanitize_orbs(orbitals) % orbitals = ( orbitals.reshape(1, *orbitals.shape) + _a.arangei(self.n_s).reshape(-1, *([1] * orbitals.ndim)) * ).ravel() if unique: return np.unique(orbitals) return orbitals
[docs] def a2isc(self, atoms: AtomsIndex) -> ndarray: """Super-cell indices for a specific/list atom Returns a vector of 3 numbers with integers. Any multi-dimensional input will be flattened before return. The returned indices will thus always be a 2D matrix or a 1D vector. Parameters ---------- atoms : atom indices to extract the supercell locations of """ atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms) // if atoms.ndim > 1: atoms = atoms.ravel() return self.lattice.sc_off[atoms, :]
# This function is a bit weird, it returns a real array, # however, there should be no ambiguity as it corresponds to th # offset and "what else" is there to query?
[docs] def a2sc(self, atoms: AtomsIndex) -> ndarray: """Returns the super-cell offset for a specific atom Parameters ---------- atoms : atom indices to extract the supercell offsets of """ return self.lattice.offset(self.a2isc(atoms))
[docs] def o2isc(self, orbitals: OrbitalsIndex) -> ndarray: """ Returns the super-cell index for a specific orbital. Returns a vector of 3 numbers with integers. """ orbitals = self._sanitize_orbs(orbitals) // if orbitals.ndim > 1: orbitals = orbitals.ravel() return self.lattice.sc_off[orbitals, :]
[docs] def o2sc(self, orbitals: OrbitalsIndex) -> ndarray: """ Returns the super-cell offset for a specific orbital. """ return self.lattice.offset(self.o2isc(orbitals))
[docs] def equal(self, other: GeometryLike, R: bool = True, tol: float = 1e-4) -> bool: """Whether two geometries are the same (optional not check of the orbital radius) Parameters ---------- other : the other Geometry to check against R : if True also check if the orbital radii are the same (see `Atom.equal`) tol : tolerance for checking the atomic coordinates """ other = if not isinstance(other, Geometry): return False same = self.lattice.equal(other.lattice, tol=tol) same = same and np.allclose(,, atol=tol) same = same and self.atoms.equal(other.atoms, R) return same
def __eq__(self, other): return self.equal(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other)
[docs] def sparserij(self, dtype=np.float64, na_iR: int = 1000, method: str = "rand"): """Return the sparse matrix with all distances in the matrix The sparse matrix will only be defined for the elements which have orbitals overlapping with other atoms. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy.dtype, numpy.float64 the data-type of the sparse matrix na_iR : number of atoms within the sphere for speeding up the `iter_block` loop. method : see `iter_block` for details Returns ------- SparseAtom sparse matrix with all rij elements See Also -------- iter_block : the method for looping the atoms distance : create a list of distances """ from .sparse_geometry import SparseAtom rij = SparseAtom(self, nnzpr=20, dtype=dtype) # Get R R = (0.1, self.maxR() + 0.001) iR = self.iR(na_iR) # Do the loop for ias, atoms in self.iter_block(iR=iR, method=method): # Get all the indexed atoms... # This speeds up the searching for # coordinates... atoms_xyz = self[atoms, :] # Loop the atoms inside for ia in ias: idx, r = self.close( ia, R=R, atoms=atoms, atoms_xyz=atoms_xyz, ret_rij=True ) rij[ia, ia] = 0.0 rij[ia, idx[1]] = r[1] return rij
[docs] def distance( self, atoms: AtomsIndex = None, R: Optional[float] = None, tol: float = 0.1, method: Union[ Callable[[Sequence[float]], float], Literal["average", "mode", "<numpy.method>"], ] = "average", ) -> Union[float, ndarray]: """Calculate the distances for all atoms in shells of radius `tol` within `max_R` Parameters ---------- atoms : only create list of distances from the given atoms, default to all atoms R : the maximum radius to consider, default to ``self.maxR()``. To retrieve all distances for atoms within the supercell structure you can pass `numpy.inf`. tol : float or array_like, optional the tolerance for grouping a set of atoms. This parameter sets the shell radius for each shell. I.e. the returned distances between two shells will be maximally ``2*tol``, but only if atoms are within two consecutive lists. If this is a list, the shells will be of unequal size. The first shell size will be ``tol * .5`` or ``tol[0] * .5`` if `tol` is a list. method : How the distance in each shell is determined. A list of distances within each shell is gathered and the equivalent method will be used to extract a single quantity from the list of distances in the shell. If `'mode'` is chosen it will use `scipy.stats.mode`. If another string is given it will correspond to ``getattr(numpy, method)``, while any callable function may be passed. The passed function will only be passed a list of unsorted distances that needs to be processed. Notes ----- Using ``method='mode'`` requires ``scipy>=1.9``. Examples -------- >>> geom = Geometry([0]*3, Atom(1, R=1.), lattice=Lattice(1., nsc=[5, 5, 1])) >>> geom.distance() array([1.]) >>> geom.distance(tol=[0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2]) array([1.]) >>> geom.distance(R=2, tol=[0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2]) array([1. , 1.41421356, 2. ]) >>> geom.distance(R=2, tol=[0.5, 0.7]) # the R = 1 and R = 2 ** .5 gets averaged array([1.20710678, 2. ]) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray an array of positive numbers yielding the distances from the atoms in reduced form See Also -------- sparserij : return a sparse matrix will all distances between atoms """ atoms = self._sanitize_atoms(atoms).ravel() # Figure out maximum distance if R is None: R = self.maxR() if R < 0: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" ".distance cannot determine the `R` parameter. " "The internal `maxR()` is negative and thus not set. " "Set an explicit value for `R`." ) elif np.any(self.nsc > 1): maxR = fnorm(self.cell).max() # These loops could be leveraged if we look at angles... for i, j, k in product( [0, self.nsc[0] // 2], [0, self.nsc[1] // 2], [0, self.nsc[2] // 2] ): if i == 0 and j == 0 and k == 0: continue sc = [i, j, k] off = self.lattice.offset(sc) for ii, jj, kk in product([0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]): o = self.cell[0] * ii + self.cell[1] * jj + self.cell[2] * kk maxR = max(maxR, fnorm(off + o)) if R > maxR: R = maxR # Convert to list tol = _a.asarrayd(tol).ravel() if len(tol) == 1: # Now we are in a position to determine the sizes dR = _a.aranged(tol[0] * 0.5, R + tol[0] * 0.55, tol[0]) else: dR = tol.copy() dR[0] *= 0.5 # The first tolerance, is for it-self, the second # has to have the first tolerance as the field dR = _a.cumsumd(np.insert(dR, 1, tol[0])) if dR[-1] < R: # Now finalize dR by ensuring all remaining segments are captured t = tol[-1] dR = concatenate((dR, _a.aranged(dR[-1] + t, R + t * 0.55, t))) # Reduce to the largest value above R # This ensures that R, truly is the largest considered element dR = dR[: (dR > R).nonzero()[0][0] + 1] # Now we can figure out the list of atoms in each shell # First create the initial lists of shell atoms # The inner shell will never be used, because it should correspond # to the atom it-self. shells = [[] for i in range(len(dR) - 1)] for a in atoms: _, r = self.close(a, R=dR, ret_rij=True) for i, rlist in enumerate(r[1:]): shells[i].extend(rlist) # Now parse all of the shells with the correct routine # First we grap the routine: if isinstance(method, str): if method == "median": def func(lst): return np.median(lst, overwrite_input=True) elif method == "mode": from scipy.stats import mode def func(lst): return mode(lst, keepdims=False)[0] else: try: func = getattr(np, method) except AttributeError as e: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.distance `method` got wrong input value." ) from e else: func = method # Reduce lists for i in range(len(shells)): lst = shells[i] if len(lst) == 0: continue # Reduce elements shells[i] = func(lst) # Convert to flattened numpy array and ensure shape d = np.hstack(shells).ravel() return d
[docs] def within_inf( self, lattice: Lattice, periodic: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None, tol: float = 1e-5, origin: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]: """Find all atoms within a provided supercell Note this function is rather different from `close` and `within`. Specifically this routine is returning *all* indices for the infinite periodic system (where ``self.nsc > 1`` or `periodic` is true). Atomic coordinates lying on the boundary of the supercell will be duplicated on the neighboring supercell images. Thus performing `geom.within_inf(geom.lattice)` may result in more atoms than in the structure. Notes ----- The name of this function may change. Currently it should only be used internally in sisl. Parameters ---------- lattice : LatticeLike the supercell in which this geometry should be expanded into. periodic : explicitly define the periodic directions, by default the periodic directions are only where ``self.nsc > 1 & self.pbc``. tol : length tolerance for the fractional coordinates to be on a duplicate site (in Ang). This allows atoms within `tol` of the cell boundaries to be taken as *inside* the cell. origin : origin that is the basis for comparison, default to 0. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray unit-cell atomic indices which are inside the `lattice` cell numpy.ndarray atomic coordinates for the `ia` atoms (including supercell offsets) numpy.ndarray integer supercell offsets for `ia` atoms """ lattice = if periodic is None: periodic = np.logical_and(self.pbc, self.nsc > 1) else: periodic = list(periodic) if origin is None: origin = _a.zerosd(3) # Our first task is to construct a geometry large # enough to fully encompass the supercell # 1. Number of times each lattice vector must be expanded to fit # inside the "possibly" larger `lattice`. idx = dot(lattice.cell, self.icell.T) tile_min = floor(idx.min(0)) tile_max = ceil(idx.max(0)).astype(dtype=int32) # Intrinsic offset (when atomic coordinates are outside primary unit-cell) idx = dot(, self.icell.T) tmp = floor(idx.min(0)) tile_min = np.where(tile_min < tmp, tile_min, tmp).astype(dtype=int32) tmp = ceil(idx.max(0)) tile_max = np.where(tmp < tile_max, tile_max, tmp).astype(dtype=int32) del idx, tmp # 1a) correct for origin displacement idx = floor(dot(lattice.origin, self.icell.T)) tile_min = np.where(tile_min < idx, tile_min, idx).astype(dtype=int32) idx = floor(dot(origin, self.icell.T)) tile_min = np.where(tile_min < idx, tile_min, idx).astype(dtype=int32) # 2. Reduce tiling along non-periodic directions tile_min = np.where(periodic, tile_min, 0) tile_max = np.where(periodic, tile_max, 1) # 3. Find the *new* origin according to the *negative* tilings. # This is important for skewed cells as the placement of the new # larger geometry has to be shifted to have lattice inside big_origin = (tile_min.reshape(3, 1) * self.cell).sum(0) # The xyz geometry that fully encompass the (possibly) larger supercell tile = tile_max - tile_min full_geom = (self * tile).translate(big_origin - origin) # Now we have to figure out all atomic coordinates within cuboid = # Make sure that full_geom doesn't return coordinates outside the unit cell # for non periodic directions full_geom.set_nsc([full_geom.nsc[i] if periodic[i] else 1 for i in range(3)]) # Now retrieve all atomic coordinates from the full geometry xyz = full_geom.axyz(_a.arangei(full_geom.na_s)) idx = cuboid.within_index(xyz) xyz = xyz[idx, :] del full_geom # Figure out supercell connections in the smaller indices # Since we have shifted all coordinates into the primary unit cell we # are sure that these fxyz are [0:1[ fxyz = dot(xyz, self.icell.T) # Since there are numerical errors for the above operation # we *have* to account for possible sign-errors # This is done by a length tolerance ftol = tol / fnorm(self.cell).reshape(1, 3) isc = floor(fxyz - ftol).astype(int32) # Now we can extract the indices where the two are non-matching. # At these indices we have some "errors" that we have to fix and # thus select the correct isc. idx_diff = (isc - floor(fxyz + ftol).astype(int32)).nonzero() # For these indices we can use the nearest integer as that # selects the closest. floor will ONLY be wrong for -0.0000, 0.99999, ... isc[idx_diff] = np.rint(fxyz[idx_diff]).astype(int32) # Convert indices to unit-cell indices and also return coordinates and # infinite supercell indices return self.sc2uc(idx), xyz, isc
# Create pickling routines def __getstate__(self): """Returns the state of this object""" d = self.lattice.__getstate__() d["xyz"] = d["atoms"] = self.atoms.__getstate__() return d def __setstate__(self, d): """Re-create the state of this object""" lattice = Lattice([1, 1, 1]) lattice.__setstate__(d) atoms = Atoms() atoms.__setstate__(d["atoms"]) self.__init__(d["xyz"], atoms=atoms, lattice=lattice) @classmethod def _ArgumentParser_args_single(cls): """Returns the options for `Geometry.ArgumentParser` in case they are the only options""" return { "limit_arguments": False, "short": True, "positional_out": True, } # Hook into the Geometry class to create # an automatic ArgumentParser which makes actions # as the options are read. @default_ArgumentParser(description="Manipulate a Geometry object in sisl.") def ArgumentParser(self, p=None, *args, **kwargs): """Create and return a group of argument parsers which manipulates it self `Geometry`. Parameters ---------- parser : ArgumentParser, optional in case the arguments should be added to a specific parser. It defaults to create a new. limit_arguments : bool, optional If ``False`` additional options will be created which are similar to other options. For instance ``--repeat-x <>`` which is equivalent to ``--repeat <> x``. Default `True`. short : bool, optional Create short options for a selected range of options. positional_out : bool, optional If ``True``, adds a positional argument which acts as --out. This may be handy if only the geometry is in the argument list. """ limit_args = kwargs.get("limit_arguments", True) short = kwargs.get("short", False) if short: def opts(*args): return args else: def opts(*args): return [arg for arg in args if arg.startswith("--")] # We limit the import to occur here import argparse # The first thing we do is adding the geometry to the NameSpace of the # parser. # This will enable custom actions to interact with the geometry in a # straight forward manner. if isinstance(self, Geometry): g = self.copy() else: g = None namespace = default_namespace( _geometry=g, _stored_geometry=False, ) # Create actions class Format(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._geom_fmt = value[0] p.add_argument( *opts("--format"), action=Format, nargs=1, default=".8f", help="Specify output format for coordinates.", ) class MoveOrigin(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, no_value, option_string=None):[:, :] -= np.amin(, axis=0)[None, :] p.add_argument( *opts("--origin", "-O"), action=MoveOrigin, nargs=0, help="Move all atoms such that the smallest value along each Cartesian direction will be at the origin.", ) class MoveCenterOf(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): xyz ="xyz") ns._geometry = ns._geometry.translate( - xyz ) p.add_argument( *opts("--center-of", "-co"), choices=["mass", "mass:pbc", "xyz", "position", "cell", "mm:xyz"], action=MoveCenterOf, help="Move coordinates to the center of the designated choice.", ) class MoveUnitCell(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): if value in ("translate", "tr", "t"): # Simple translation tmp = np.amin(, axis=0) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.translate(-tmp) elif value == "mod": g = ns._geometry # Change all coordinates using the reciprocal cell and move to unit-cell (% 1.) fxyz = g.fxyz % 1.0[:, :] = dot(fxyz, g.cell) p.add_argument( *opts("--unit-cell", "-uc"), choices=["translate", "tr", "t", "mod"], action=MoveUnitCell, help="Moves the coordinates into the unit-cell by translation or the mod-operator", ) # Rotation class Rotation(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): # Convert value[0] to the direction # The rotate function expects degree ang = angle(values[0], rad=False, in_rad=False) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.rotate(ang, values[1], what="abc+xyz") p.add_argument( *opts("--rotate", "-R"), nargs=2, metavar=("ANGLE", "DIR"), action=Rotation, help='Rotate coordinates and lattice vectors around given axis (x|y|z|a|b|c). ANGLE defaults to be specified in degree. Prefix with "r" for input in radians.', ) if not limit_args: class RotationX(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): # The rotate function expects degree ang = angle(value, rad=False, in_rad=False) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.rotate(ang, "x", what="abc+xyz") p.add_argument( *opts("--rotate-x", "-Rx"), metavar="ANGLE", action=RotationX, help='Rotate coordinates and lattice vectors around x axis. ANGLE defaults to be specified in degree. Prefix with "r" for input in radians.', ) class RotationY(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): # The rotate function expects degree ang = angle(value, rad=False, in_rad=False) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.rotate(ang, "y", what="abc+xyz") p.add_argument( *opts("--rotate-y", "-Ry"), metavar="ANGLE", action=RotationY, help='Rotate coordinates and lattice vectors around y axis. ANGLE defaults to be specified in degree. Prefix with "r" for input in radians.', ) class RotationZ(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): # The rotate function expects degree ang = angle(value, rad=False, in_rad=False) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.rotate(ang, "z", what="abc+xyz") p.add_argument( *opts("--rotate-z", "-Rz"), metavar="ANGLE", action=RotationZ, help='Rotate coordinates and lattice vectors around z axis. ANGLE defaults to be specified in degree. Prefix with "r" for input in radians.', ) # Reduce size of geometry class ReduceSub(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): # Get atomic indices rng = lstranges(strmap(int, value)) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.sub(rng) p.add_argument( "--sub", metavar="RNG", action=ReduceSub, help="Retains specified atoms, can be complex ranges.", ) class ReduceRemove(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): # Get atomic indices rng = lstranges(strmap(int, value)) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.remove(rng) p.add_argument( "--remove", metavar="RNG", action=ReduceRemove, help="Removes specified atoms, can be complex ranges.", ) # Swaps atoms class AtomSwap(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): # Get atomic indices a = lstranges(strmap(int, value[0])) b = lstranges(strmap(int, value[1])) if len(a) != len(b): raise ValueError( "swapping atoms requires equal number of LHS and RHS atomic ranges" ) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.swap(a, b) p.add_argument( *opts("--swap"), metavar=("A", "B"), nargs=2, action=AtomSwap, help="Swaps groups of atoms (can be complex ranges). The groups must be of equal length.", ) # Add an atom class AtomAdd(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): # Create an atom from the input g = Geometry( [float(x) for x in values[0].split(",")], atoms=Atom(values[1]) ) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.add(g) p.add_argument( *opts("--add"), nargs=2, metavar=("COORD", "Z"), action=AtomAdd, help="Adds an atom, coordinate is comma separated (in Ang). Z is the atomic number.", ) class Translate(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): # Create an atom from the input if "," in values[0]: xyz = [float(x) for x in values[0].split(",")] else: xyz = [float(x) for x in values[0].split()] ns._geometry = ns._geometry.translate(xyz) p.add_argument( *opts("--translate", "-t"), nargs=1, metavar="COORD", action=Translate, help="Translates the coordinates via a comma separated list (in Ang).", ) # Periodicly increase the structure class PeriodRepeat(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): r = int(values[0]) d = direction(values[1]) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.repeat(r, d) p.add_argument( *opts("--repeat", "-r"), nargs=2, metavar=("TIMES", "DIR"), action=PeriodRepeat, help="Repeats the geometry in the specified direction.", ) if not limit_args: class PeriodRepeatX(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._geometry = ns._geometry.repeat(int(value), 0) p.add_argument( *opts("--repeat-x", "-rx"), metavar="TIMES", action=PeriodRepeatX, help="Repeats the geometry along the first cell vector.", ) class PeriodRepeatY(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._geometry = ns._geometry.repeat(int(value), 1) p.add_argument( *opts("--repeat-y", "-ry"), metavar="TIMES", action=PeriodRepeatY, help="Repeats the geometry along the second cell vector.", ) class PeriodRepeatZ(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._geometry = ns._geometry.repeat(int(value), 2) p.add_argument( *opts("--repeat-z", "-rz"), metavar="TIMES", action=PeriodRepeatZ, help="Repeats the geometry along the third cell vector.", ) class ReduceUnrepeat(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): s = int(values[0]) d = direction(values[1]) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.unrepeat(s, d) p.add_argument( *opts("--unrepeat", "-ur"), nargs=2, metavar=("REPS", "DIR"), action=ReduceUnrepeat, help="Unrepeats the geometry into `reps` parts along the unit-cell direction `dir` (opposite of --repeat).", ) class PeriodTile(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): r = int(values[0]) d = direction(values[1]) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.tile(r, d) p.add_argument( *opts("--tile"), nargs=2, metavar=("TIMES", "DIR"), action=PeriodTile, help="Tiles the geometry in the specified direction.", ) if not limit_args: class PeriodTileX(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._geometry = ns._geometry.tile(int(value), 0) p.add_argument( *opts("--tile-x", "-tx"), metavar="TIMES", action=PeriodTileX, help="Tiles the geometry along the first cell vector.", ) class PeriodTileY(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._geometry = ns._geometry.tile(int(value), 1) p.add_argument( *opts("--tile-y", "-ty"), metavar="TIMES", action=PeriodTileY, help="Tiles the geometry along the second cell vector.", ) class PeriodTileZ(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._geometry = ns._geometry.tile(int(value), 2) p.add_argument( *opts("--tile-z", "-tz"), metavar="TIMES", action=PeriodTileZ, help="Tiles the geometry along the third cell vector.", ) class ReduceUntile(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): s = int(values[0]) d = direction(values[1]) ns._geometry = ns._geometry.untile(s, d) p.add_argument( *opts("--untile", "--cut", "-ut"), nargs=2, metavar=("REPS", "DIR"), action=ReduceUntile, help="Untiles the geometry into `reps` parts along the unit-cell direction `dir` (opposite of --tile).", ) # append another geometry class Geometryend(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): # Create an atom from the input f = Path(values[0]) geom =[0]) d = direction(values[1]) ns._geometry = getattr(ns._geometry, self._method_pend)(geom, d) class GeometryAppend(Geometryend): _method_pend = "append" p.add_argument( *opts("--append"), nargs=2, metavar=("GEOM", "DIR"), action=GeometryAppend, help="Appends another Geometry along direction DIR.", ) class GeometryPrepend(Geometryend): _method_pend = "prepend" p.add_argument( *opts("--prepend"), nargs=2, metavar=("GEOM", "DIR"), action=GeometryPrepend, help="Prepends another Geometry along direction DIR.", ) # Sort class Sort(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): # call geometry.sort(...) using appropriate keywords (and ordered dict) kwargs = OrderedDict() opts = values[0].split(";") for i, opt in enumerate(opts): # Split for equal opt = opt.split("=", 1) if len(opt) > 1: opt, val = opt else: opt = opt[0] val = "True" if val.lower() in ("t", "true"): val = True elif val.lower() in ("f", "false"): val = False elif opt == "atol": # float values val = float(val) elif opt == "group": pass else: # it must be a range/tuple val = lstranges(strmap(int, val)) # we always add integers to allow users to use the same keywords on commandline kwargs[opt.strip() + str(i)] = val ns._geometry = ns._geometry.sort(**kwargs) p.add_argument( *opts("--sort"), nargs=1, metavar="SORT", action=Sort, help='Semi-colon separated options for sort, please always encapsulate in quotation ["axis=0;descend;lattice=(1, 2);group=Z"].', ) # Print some common information about the # geometry (to stdout) class PrintInfo(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, no_value, option_string=None): # We fake that it has been stored... ns._stored_geometry = True print(ns._geometry) p.add_argument( *opts("--info"), nargs=0, action=PrintInfo, help="Print, to stdout, some regular information about the geometry.", ) class Out(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): if value is None: return if len(value) == 0: return # If the vector, exists, we should write it kwargs = {} if hasattr(ns, "_geom_fmt"): kwargs["fmt"] = ns._geom_fmt if hasattr(ns, "_vector"): v = getattr(ns, "_vector") vs = getattr(ns, "_vector_scale") if isinstance(vs, bool): if vs: vs = 1.0 / np.max(sqrt(square(v).sum(1))) info(f"Scaling vector by: {vs}") else: vs = 1.0 # Store the vectors with the scaling kwargs["data"] = v * vs ns._geometry.write(value[0], **kwargs) # Issue to the namespace that the geometry has been written, at least once. ns._stored_geometry = True p.add_argument( *opts("--out", "-o"), nargs=1, action=Out, help="Store the geometry (at its current invocation) to the out file.", ) # If the user requests positional out arguments, we also add that. if kwargs.get("positional_out", False): p.add_argument( "out", nargs="*", default=None, action=Out, help="Store the geometry (at its current invocation) to the out file.", ) # We have now created all arguments return p, namespace new_dispatch = to_dispatch = # Define base-class for this class GeometryNewDispatch(AbstractDispatch): """Base dispatcher from class passing arguments to Geometry class This forwards all `__call__` calls to `dispatch` """ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.dispatch(*args, **kwargs) # Bypass regular Geometry to be returned as is class GeometryNewGeometryDispatch(GeometryNewDispatch): def dispatch(self, geometry, copy=False): """Return geometry as-is (no copy), for sanitization purposes""" if copy: return geometry.copy() return geometry new_dispatch.register(Geometry, GeometryNewGeometryDispatch) class GeometryNewFileDispatch(GeometryNewDispatch): def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): """Defer the `` method by passing down arguments""" cls = self._get_class() return*args, **kwargs) new_dispatch.register(str, GeometryNewFileDispatch) new_dispatch.register(Path, GeometryNewFileDispatch) # see sisl/ for new_dispatch.register(BaseSile, GeometryNewFileDispatcher) class GeometryNewAseDispatch(GeometryNewDispatch): def dispatch(self, aseg, **kwargs): """Convert an ``ase`` object into a `Geometry`""" cls = self._get_class() Z = aseg.get_atomic_numbers() xyz = aseg.get_positions() cell = aseg.get_cell() nsc = [3 if pbc else 1 for pbc in aseg.pbc] lattice = Lattice(cell, nsc=nsc) return cls(xyz, atoms=Z, lattice=lattice, **kwargs) new_dispatch.register("ase", GeometryNewAseDispatch) # currently we can't ensure the ase Atoms type # to get it by type(). That requires ase to be importable. try: from ase import Atoms as ase_Atoms new_dispatch.register(ase_Atoms, GeometryNewAseDispatch) # ensure we don't pollute name-space del ase_Atoms except Exception: pass class GeometryNewpymatgenDispatch(GeometryNewDispatch): def dispatch(self, struct, **kwargs): """Convert a ``pymatgen`` structure/molecule object into a `Geometry`""" from pymatgen.core import Structure cls = self._get_class(allow_instance=True) Z = [] xyz = [] for site in struct.sites: Z.append(site.specie.Z) xyz.append(site.coords) xyz = np.array(xyz) if isinstance(struct, Structure): # we also have the lattice cell = struct.lattice.matrix nsc = [3, 3, 3] # really, this is unknown else: cell = xyz.max() - xyz.min(0) + 15.0 nsc = [1, 1, 1] lattice = Lattice(cell, nsc=nsc) return cls(xyz, atoms=Z, lattice=lattice, **kwargs) new_dispatch.register("pymatgen", GeometryNewpymatgenDispatch) # currently we can't ensure the pymatgen classes # to get it by type(). That requires pymatgen to be importable. try: from pymatgen.core import Molecule as pymatgen_Molecule from pymatgen.core import Structure as pymatgen_Structure new_dispatch.register(pymatgen_Molecule, GeometryNewpymatgenDispatch) new_dispatch.register(pymatgen_Structure, GeometryNewpymatgenDispatch) # ensure we don't pollute name-space del pymatgen_Molecule, pymatgen_Structure except Exception: pass class GeometryToDispatch(AbstractDispatch): """Base dispatcher from class passing from Geometry class""" class GeometryToSileDispatch(GeometryToDispatch): def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): geom = self._get_object() return geom.write(*args, **kwargs) to_dispatch.register("str", GeometryToSileDispatch) to_dispatch.register("Path", GeometryToSileDispatch) # to do[Path](path) to_dispatch.register(str, GeometryToSileDispatch) to_dispatch.register(Path, GeometryToSileDispatch) class GeometryToAseDispatch(GeometryToDispatch): def dispatch(self, **kwargs): from ase import Atoms as ase_Atoms geom = self._get_object() return ase_Atoms( symbols=geom.atoms.Z,, cell=geom.cell.tolist(), pbc=geom.nsc > 1, **kwargs, ) to_dispatch.register("ase", GeometryToAseDispatch) try: from ase import Atoms as ase_Atoms to_dispatch.register(ase_Atoms, GeometryToAseDispatch) del ase_Atoms except ImportError: pass class GeometryTopymatgenDispatch(GeometryToDispatch): def dispatch(self, **kwargs): from pymatgen.core import Lattice, Molecule, Structure from sisl._core.atom import PeriodicTable # ensure we have an object geom = self._get_object() lattice = Lattice(geom.cell) # get atomic letters and coordinates PT = PeriodicTable() xyz = species = [PT.Z_label(Z) for Z in geom.atoms.Z] if all(self.nsc == 1): # we define a molecule return Molecule(species, xyz, **kwargs) return Structure(lattice, species, xyz, coords_are_cartesian=True, **kwargs) to_dispatch.register("pymatgen", GeometryTopymatgenDispatch) class GeometryToDataframeDispatch(GeometryToDispatch): def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): import pandas as pd geom = self._get_object() # Now create data-frame # Currently we will populate it with # - xyz # - symbol # - Z # - tag # - R # - mass # - valence q # - norbs data = {} x, y, z = data["x"] = x data["y"] = y data["z"] = z atoms = geom.atoms data["Z"] = atoms.Z data["mass"] = atoms.mass data["R"] = atoms.maxR(all=True) data["q0"] = atoms.q0 data["norbitals"] = atoms.orbitals return pd.DataFrame(data) to_dispatch.register("dataframe", GeometryToDataframeDispatch) try: from pandas import DataFrame as pd_DataFrame to_dispatch.register(pd_DataFrame, GeometryToDataframeDispatch) del pd_DataFrame except ImportError: pass # Clean up del new_dispatch, to_dispatch @set_module("sisl") def sgeom(geometry=None, argv=None, ret_geometry=False): """Main script for sgeom. This routine may be called with `argv` and/or a `Sile` which is the geometry at hand. Parameters ---------- geom : Geometry or BaseSile this may either be the geometry, as-is, or a `Sile` which contains the geometry. argv : list of str the arguments passed to sgeom ret_geometry : bool, optional whether the function should return the geometry """ import argparse import sys from pathlib import Path from import BaseSile, get_sile # The geometry-file *MUST* be the first argument # (except --help|-h) exe = Path(sys.argv[0]).name # We cannot create a separate ArgumentParser to retrieve a positional arguments # as that will grab the first argument for an option! # Start creating the command-line utilities that are the actual ones. description = f""" This manipulation utility is highly advanced and one should note that the ORDER of options is determining the final structure. For instance: {exe} --repeat 2 x --repeat 2 y is NOT equivalent to: {exe} --repeat 2 y --repeat 2 x This may be unexpected but enables one to do advanced manipulations. Additionally, in between arguments, one may store the current state of the geometry by writing to a standard file. {exe} --repeat 2 y --repeat 2 x will create two files: will only be repeated 2 times along the second lattice vector, while: will be repeated 2 times along the second lattice vector, and then the first lattice vector. """ if argv is not None: if len(argv) == 0: argv = ["--help"] elif len(sys.argv) == 1: # no arguments # fake a help argv = ["--help"] else: argv = sys.argv[1:] # Ensure that the arguments have pre-pended spaces argv = cmd.argv_negative_fix(argv) p = argparse.ArgumentParser( exe, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=description, ) # Add default sisl version stuff cmd.add_sisl_version_cite_arg(p) # First read the input "Sile" stdout_geom = True if geometry is None: from os.path import isfile argv, input_file = cmd.collect_input(argv) if input_file is None: stdout_geom = False geometry = Geometry([0] * 3) else: # Extract specification of the input file i_file, spec = str_spec(input_file) if isfile(i_file): geometry = get_sile(input_file).read_geometry() else: info(f"Cannot find file '{input_file}'!") geometry = Geometry stdout_geom = False elif isinstance(geometry, Geometry): # Do nothing, the geometry is already created pass elif isinstance(geometry, BaseSile): geometry = geometry.read_geometry() # Store the input file... input_file = geometry.file # Do the argument parser p, ns = geometry.ArgumentParser(p, **geometry._ArgumentParser_args_single()) # Now the arguments should have been populated # and we will sort out if the input options # is only a help option. try: if not hasattr(ns, "_input_file"): setattr(ns, "_input_file", input_file) except Exception: pass # Now try and figure out the actual arguments p, ns, argv = cmd.collect_arguments( argv, input=False, argumentparser=p, namespace=ns ) # We are good to go!!! args = p.parse_args(argv, namespace=ns) g = args._geometry if stdout_geom and not args._stored_geometry: # We should write out the information to the stdout # This is merely for testing purposes and may not be used for anything. print("Cell:") for i in (0, 1, 2): print(" {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f}".format(*g.cell[i, :])) print("Lattice:") print(" {:d} {:d} {:d}".format(*g.nsc)) print(" {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>3s}".format("x", "y", "z", "Z")) for ia in g: print( " {1:10.6f} {2:10.6f} {3:10.6f} {0:3d}".format( g.atoms[ia].Z, *[ia, :] ) ) if ret_geometry: return g return 0